The Innocent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Innocent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Leonard give the man he meets in the cafe in Chapter 20?
(a) A map showing the location of the tunnel.
(b) The cases.
(c) A letter for Maria.
(d) A coat.

2. How much does Leonard's luggage weigh in Chapter 22?
(a) 50 pounds.
(b) 35 pounds.
(c) 65 pounds.
(d) 20 pounds.

3. What do Leonard and Maria drink in Chapter 17?
(a) Naafi gin.
(b) Champagne.
(c) Good Mosel.
(d) Straight Vodka.

4. What do Maria and Leonard do when they realize that someone is in the room with them in Chapter 16?
(a) Get dressed and turn on the light.
(b) Call the cops.
(c) Put their shoes on and alert the neighbors.
(d) Get dressed and arm themselves with a bat.

5. What is the name of the cafe where Leonard eats in Chapter 20?
(a) Kneippe East.
(b) Cafe Prag.
(c) Vunder Place.
(d) Cafe Kassel.

6. What is Maria afraid of about Otto being in her wardrobe?
(a) She is afraid he will die in there.
(b) She is afraid he is going to kill her.
(c) She is afraid he is going to kill Leonard.
(d) She is afraid he is going to pee on her dresses.

7. What marks does Maria have from the confrontation with Otto in Chapter 17?
(a) She is missing a tooth.
(b) She has a split lip.
(c) Bruises on her throat.
(d) She has a black eye.

8. What type of car is the taxi that Leonard takes in Chapter 19?
(a) He doesn't take a taxi, only the train.
(b) A derelict Volkswagon bug.
(c) A new Volvo.
(d) An old diesel Mercedes.

9. How was Leonard's father injured during the war?
(a) He was injured at the landing in Normandy.
(b) He was injured during the campaign to Rome.
(c) He was injured driving an ambulance during bomb raids in London.
(d) He was injured in the Battle of the Bulge.

10. What does Leonard drink while he is dismembering Otto?
(a) Gin.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Water.
(d) Coffee.

11. What time did the Soviets discover the tunnel in Chapter 20?
(a) 1:27.
(b) 12:15.
(c) 2:00.
(d) 12:58.

12. What name does Leonard give for his own to the man he meets in the cafe in Chapter 20?
(a) Henry.
(b) William.
(c) Rafe.
(d) David.

13. Why is Glass frustrated with the British in Chapter 13?
(a) An error MacNamee made in his math.
(b) A mistake that Leonard makes in his work.
(c) A command from Washington for Glass to report to MacNamee.
(d) The discovery that Leonard is spying on the Americans for the British.

14. Who gives a prepared speech at Leonard and Maria's engagement party?
(a) Russel.
(b) Glass.
(c) Maria.
(d) Mr. Blake.

15. What does Glass give to Leonard for Christmas?
(a) A record.
(b) A ball point pen.
(c) A book.
(d) A bottle of wine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Leonard he is being recalled in Chapter 21?

2. Who comes to Leonard's apartment as a transport officer in Chapter 21?

3. What color of dress does Maria wear for the engagement party?

4. What does Leonard find on his office door in Chapter 17?

5. What does Maria wrap Otto's body parts in?

(see the answer keys)

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