The Ice Limit Test | Final Test - Easy

Lincoln Child
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The Ice Limit Test | Final Test - Easy

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 46, Britton expresses concern about having the meteorite on her ship. How does Glinn convince her to go forward with it?
(a) He threatens to give a bad report to the child custody judge.
(b) He promises to pay her extra.
(c) He asks her to trust him.
(d) He ignores her concerns.

2. In Chapter 69, what are investigators looking at in an attempt to find out what happened to cause the meteorite to discharge electricity in the cargo hold?
(a) The meteorite itself.
(b) Damage from the discharge.
(c) Security footage.
(d) Security logs.

3. In Chapter 78, what happens each time the Rolvaag rolls against the waves?
(a) The ship vibrates in the center, threatening to rip in two.
(b) The ship sinks deeper into the ocean.
(c) The ship rolls over on its side.
(d) The ship tips forward too far.

4. In Chapter 52, why does Glinn have Lloyd locked in his suite on the Rolvaag?
(a) He attempts to interfere in Glinn's plan for the Almirante Ramirez.
(b) He attempts to call the Chilean government for help.
(c) He attempts to overrule Britton's control of the bridge.
(d) He refuses to pay Glinn for his services.

5. In Chapter 59, how long does Vallenar believe he has before his ship is forced into the reefs beyond Isla Deceit?
(a) Half an hour.
(b) Two hours.
(c) One hour.
(d) Ten minutes.

6. In Chapter 72, why does Glinn instruct his men to turn off the radar jamming equipment and ask Britton to cut the engines?
(a) To attract the attention of a nearby naval base.
(b) To force Vallenar close enough for them to fire on his ship.
(c) To make Vallenar come close enough to damage his ship on their wake.
(d) To make Vallenar believe they are dead in the water.

7. In Chapter 50, Vallenar learns he has been issued a second order to do what?
(a) Arrest Lloyd.
(b) Continue on his previous assignment.
(c) Return to base.
(d) Arrest Glinn.

8. In Chapter 80, why does Glinn refuse to entertain the idea that the meteorite's cradle could fail?
(a) It is made of diamonds, the hardest substance on earth.
(b) He cannot fail.
(c) It is made of steel.
(d) Double overage.

9. In Chapter 45, Glinn makes a comment about the mysterious dead man in Spanish. What does this statement suggest to both McFarlane and the reader?
(a) Glinn has no clue who the man was or who sent him.
(b) Glinn is having a nervous breakdown.
(c) Glinn thinks the man was sent by Vallenar.
(d) Glinn speaks in Spanish when he does not want anyone to know what he is saying.

10. In Chapter 82, what alternative does Lloyd offer to the use of the dead man switch?
(a) They could pay someone to come rescue them.
(b) They could abandon ship and hope the Rolvaag survives with the meteorite on board.
(c) They could return to Isla Desolacion and return the meteorite.
(d) They could simply ride out the storm.

11. In Chapter 78, who does Britton inform her officers to call for help?
(a) The British Naval base on Georgia Island.
(b) The Peru government.
(c) The American Coast Guard.
(d) The Chilean military.

12. In Chapter 69, what do Amira and McFarlane use to protect the ship from the meteorite's power?
(a) Plastic tarps.
(b) Cotton balls.
(c) Epoxy.
(d) Prayer.

13. In Chapter 58, what did Lloyd do throughout the fight with the Almirante Ramirez?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Paced restlessly.
(c) Called the Chilean government.
(d) Banged on the door, issuing orders.

14. In Chapter 48, what threat does Vallenar make when Glinn refuses to return Timmer to him?
(a) He will call in reinforcements.
(b) He will blow the Rolvaag out of the water.
(c) He will arrest Lloyd.
(d) He will arrest Glinn.

15. In Chapter 60, how long does it take the crew to make most of the welds?
(a) Thirty-two minutes.
(b) Twenty minutes.
(c) Twenty-two minutes.
(d) Twelve minutes.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 61, what type of job does Lloyd decide he will offer Puppup at the Lloyd Museum?

2. In Chapter 71, why does Amira confess to McFarlane that she wants to continue studying the meteorite even after they arrive back in the States?

3. In Chapter 75, what does Britton notice is different about the Rolvaag?

4. In the final chapter of the novel, where do the survivors find themselves three days after rescue?

5. In Chapter 69, what does McFarlane hear in the cargo hold that helps him come to a conclusion as to what caused the meteorite to discharge electricity not only this one time, but every time?

(see the answer keys)

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