The History of the Franks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Franks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Gregory have a problem with?
(a) Followers of the king.
(b) Followers of the queen.
(c) Diana worshippers.
(d) Saint Martin worshippers.

2. After the flood occurred, what was the second recommendation for a solution?
(a) Focus.
(b) Money.
(c) Compassion.
(d) Alms.

3. How did Gregory attempt to evade his promotion?
(a) He began to sin.
(b) He betrayed the king.
(c) He hid.
(d) He found a new job.

4. In the dramatic story Gregory tells of a young woman and her suitors, what was the woman's father's former occupation?
(a) Pope.
(b) Bishop.
(c) King.
(d) Messenger.

5. Who reported about the "last straw" at Gregory's church?
(a) A bishop.
(b) A man.
(c) Gregory.
(d) A priest.

6. Who did the man prone to outbursts admit he was subordinate to?
(a) Gregory.
(b) God.
(c) The king.
(d) The priest.

7. Which of the following correlations did Gregory make?
(a) Between ethical development and relationships.
(b) Between favor and secularity.
(c) Between fear and unruliness.
(d) Between fear and ethical development.

8. Which of the following was most likely true about Gregory of Tours?
(a) He believed in religious miracles.
(b) He was a liar.
(c) He was self-confident.
(d) He was not actually literate.

9. After the ill man in Book 11 allegedly healed, where did the man want to make a pilgrimage to?
(a) Saint Silas' tomb.
(b) Saint Martin's tomb.
(c) His parents' home.
(d) The tomb where Jesus died.

10. In Book 9, the man was able to sense what about other people?
(a) When others were genuine or not.
(b) When others had negative attitudes.
(c) When others spoke of him negatively.
(d) When others were unfaithful.

11. Which of the following describes the man Gregory had to work with who caused him trouble?
(a) Embittered.
(b) Fair.
(c) Jealous.
(d) Vengeful.

12. In the first miracle story, what part of the young woman's body caught on fire?
(a) Right hand.
(b) Left foot.
(c) Right foot.
(d) Left hand.

13. Who did Gregory of Tours base most stories on?
(a) Peasants and village men.
(b) Prominent religious figures.
(c) Bishops.
(d) Prominent social political leaders.

14. According to Gregory of Tours, what appeared during the flood?
(a) A dragon.
(b) A wizard.
(c) A dinosaur.
(d) A serpent.

15. The man who Gregory worked with threatened him with vengeance if he regained whose favor?
(a) The king's.
(b) The Lord's.
(c) The bishop's.
(d) The priest's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Gregory the deacon eventually become an aide to?

2. Who was Gunthram the king of?

3. What was the role of the man who, with the representation of a number of people, set about a grim finish by being treated like an animal?

4. What made Gregory most disappointed in the man he had problems with?

5. At the beginning of Book 10, what was located?

(see the answer keys)

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