The Heptameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Margaret of Navarre (Sicilian queen)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heptameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Margaret of Navarre (Sicilian queen)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who defends the man in Ennasuite's first story?
(a) The Queen.
(b) The Duchess.
(c) The Lady in Waiting.
(d) The Princess.

2. What word does Dagoucin use to describe the man in his first story?
(a) Wealthy.
(b) Virtuous.
(c) Learned.
(d) Vigorous.

3. Why does Roncex call out?
(a) She is in pain.
(b) She is being chased.
(c) She needs an outhouse.
(d) She needs a doctor.

4. What does Wilhelm ask for at the end of his story?
(a) To be forgiven.
(b) To be buried in England.
(c) To join the Army.
(d) To be released from the King's service.

5. What does the woman in Longarine's story give to her husband's friend?
(a) Her diary.
(b) Her wedding ring.
(c) Her crucifix.
(d) Her scarf.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hircan tell his wife after hearing Story Six?

2. The Duke in Dagoucin's second story asks a man in his command for ___________.

3. What does the man in Story Thirty-two hang in a closet?

4. How does the second Virgin Mary die?

5. What does Rolandine insist upon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Marie Hereot do?

2. Why does the group have to wait at the abbey for so long?

3. How does the ferry woman escape the two friars?

4. What happens to the second Virgin Mary? Why?

5. What regulations are put on the stories to be told in the afternoon?

6. What does the husband dressed as the priest do to his wife when they meet in secret?

7. What does Bernage tell his friend to do?

8. What does Parlamente realize after listening to her husband's story?

9. What trick does a servant try to pull on Bernard?

10. What does Oiselle offer to do each morning to help pass the waiting time?

(see the answer keys)

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