The Heptameron Test | Final Test - Easy

Margaret of Navarre (Sicilian queen)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heptameron Test | Final Test - Easy

Margaret of Navarre (Sicilian queen)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the husband in Story Fifty-nine do when he is caught in an affair?
(a) Gets a divorce.
(b) Goes to church.
(c) Beats his wife.
(d) Takes his wife to court.

2. What does the lord call the item attached to his cloak in Story Fifty-seven?
(a) All of these.
(b) A token.
(c) A reminder.
(d) A tribute.

3. What does Jambique's lover do to recognize her the next time he sees her?
(a) Cuts her hair.
(b) Tears her mask.
(c) Marks her dress.
(d) Scratches her arm.

4. Why does Jean Pierre isolate himself?
(a) He becomes ill.
(b) His wife cheats on him.
(c) The woman he loves refuses him.
(d) His wife dies.

5. The man in Story Sixty-four isolates himself in _________.
(a) A monastery.
(b) A silver mine.
(c) A prison.
(d) A hermitage.

6. What is yelled at the suitor in Story Fifty-eight?
(a) Fire.
(b) Sinner.
(c) Kill.
(d) Thief.

7. How does the man in Story Sixty-three avoid attending a dinner party?
(a) He goes on a business trip.
(b) He pretends to be ill.
(c) He sends word his wife is ill.
(d) He studies his scriptures.

8. Where is a couple abandoned in Story Sixty-seven?
(a) A beach.
(b) A castle.
(c) A forrest.
(d) An island.

9. What does the maid in Saffredent's fourth story pretend to be?
(a) A demon.
(b) A princess.
(c) A ghost.
(d) A queen.

10. Why is the first person imprisoned in Rolandine's castle?
(a) So she won't take revenge on the King.
(b) So she won't get married.
(c) So she won't cheat on her husband.
(d) So she won't kill again.

11. Who is accidentally killed in Story Forty?
(a) The King's sister.
(b) The King's brother-in-law.
(c) The King's daughter.
(d) The King's uncle.

12. What is discussed after Story Fifty-two about the cheap man?
(a) Foul language.
(b) Food prices.
(c) Larceny.
(d) Ethics and morals.

13. Why does the maid in Story Forty-five allow her rapes to continue?
(a) She is afraid of being killed.
(b) She doesn't want to lose her job.
(c) She thinks it is for punishment.
(d) She enjoys it.

14. What does the Friar in Story Forty-eight do after tricking a new bride?/
(a) Kills the girl.
(b) Lies about his actions.
(c) Leaves town.
(d) Builds onto the church.

15. The woman in Story Fifty-nine uses her husband's affair for _________.
(a) All of these.
(b) Amusement.
(c) Leverage.
(d) Black mail.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the man in love with Francoise not marry her?

2. Why does the President in Story Thirty-six ignore his wife's affair?

3. Why does Brimbaudier say his wife survived?

4. Where does the preoccupied man's wife meet her lover?

5. Why does the married friend in Story Forty-seven tell his wife to stop talking to his friend?

(see the answer keys)

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