The Help Test | Final Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Final Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How common does Aibileen tell Skeeter it was for women to give up their children to care for white families?

2. How much time has passed between chapter 28 and chapter 29?

3. What does Skeeter feel the Whitworth house is a museum in honor of in chapter 20?

4. What tree does Celia Foote keep threatening to cut down in her yard?

5. What is in a letter Aibileen gives to Skeeter in chapter 27?

Short Essay Questions

1. What begins to happen throughout town as people begin to read Skeeter's book?

2. In chapter 22, it is Mae Mobley's birthday. What kind of cake does Aibileen want to make? Why? What kind does Elizabeth Leefolt insist on Aibileen making?

3. In chapter 18, Minny finds Celia in the bathroom of her bedroom. What has happened to Celia? How does this explain her odd behavior since Minny came to work for her?

4. What does Hilly tell Skeeter to publish in the League newsletter or she will throw her out of the league?

5. What does Mrs. Stein tell Skeeter in chapter 27 about the deadline for the book? How does this change things?

6. Who shows up at Elizabeth Leefolt's door in chapter 23 to buy tickets to the League's Children's Benefit? Why is this potentially a disaster for Minny and Aibileen?

7. How are most of the women at the Benefit dressed? How does Celia Foote stand out?

8. Hilly Holbrook wins Minny's chocolate pie in the silent auction at the Benefit. Who bid on the pie for Hilly? Who does she think bid on it for her?

9. With whom does Skeeter and her parents have dinner in chapter 20? What happens between Skeeter and Stuart during this evening?

10. What does Skeeter learn about Yule May in chapter 19? What does the letter from Yule May to Skeeter say? What is the result of this situation?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What does Hilly find in Skeeter's satchel that makes her think Skeeter is a supporter of civil rights? How does Hilly react to this? Why does she react in this way? What is Hilly's opinion of the treatment of blacks in Jackson? How is this reflected by her actions and comments? How does this impact Skeeter's social status in Jackson after Hilly finds something questionable in Skeeter's satchel? What does Skeeter think Hilly found? How does this lead to fear on hers and Aibileen's parts? What does Aibileen overhear that makes Skeeter feel better about the situation?

Essay Topic 2

Who hires Minny Jackson after she loses her job with Mrs. Walters? What role did Aibileen play in getting this job for Minny? Why are Aibileen and Minny afraid Hilly will learn of Minny's new job and do something to ruin it? What else is odd about this job? Why does Minny repeatedly remind her employer that she promised to tell her husband about hiring a maid? Why does the employer not want her husband to know about her hiring a maid? What is unusual about this employer's attitude toward Minny? How does Minny feel about this attitude? What does Minny attempt to teach her employer? How does that work out?

Essay Topic 3

What happens at the first interview between Skeeter and Aibileen? Why does Aibileen have trouble telling her stories to Skeeter? Why does Aibileen suggest she begin writing down her stories? How does Skeeter react to this? Why is Skeeter reluctant to let Aibileen do any of the writing? Why does she eventually change her mind? What does Skeeter do with Aibileen's chapter for the book? How does this lead to a deadline for the book? What is Aibileen's role in the writing of the book after she has told her own stories?

(see the answer keys)

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