The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long have Hilly, Skeeter, and Elizabeth been friends?

2. What threat did Hilly make against Skeeter early in the novel that causes her angst in chapter 5?

3. What gesture would Constantine use to let Skeeter knew she wanted her to pay close attention to her?

4. What one housekeeping skill is Celia Foote very bad at, as revealed in chapter 3?

5. Who does Skeeter ask for advice in regards to her new job in chapter 6?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Yule May? What does she want to speak to Aibileen about at a meeting at their church?

2. Who is Constantine? What does Skeeter think happened to her?

3. In chapter 10, Celia locks herself in the bathroom and yells at Minny when she comes to change the bedsheets. What does this and other odd behaviors say about Celia?

4. What letter does Skeeter receive in chapter 6 that inspires her to begin searching for a writing job and to find unique topics to write about?

5. What does Aibileen write in her small notebook? How did she get into this habit?

6. What does Celia spend most of her days doing? What is the result?

7. What does Hilly Holbrook ask Aibileen that she feels she must answer honestly for Mae Mobley's sake? Why does Hilly ask this question of Aibileen?

8. What worries Minny about the day that Celia Foote will tell her husband that she has hired a maid? How does Johnny Foote finally find out about Minny?

9. What does Miss Celia do that Minny finds odd? Why does Minny have trouble teaching Miss Celia to cook?

10. How did Minny Jackson get an interview with Celia Foote? What happens at the interview?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

How does the book Skeeter and Aibileen wrote reflect the time period in which the novel is written? How does the writer use actual historical events to reflect the racial tension in Jackson during the time in which the book is set and how these events impacted the lives of the main characters of this book? What might a book like The Help have impacted the lives of those really living in Jackson Mississippi during this time period? What might have been the consequences to a maid like Aibileen? What consequence does Aibileen suffer? How does the book help Aibileen have the courage and the power to stand up to Hilly? What does this say about the changes that take place in the novel for Aibileen and the other maids in Jackson?

Essay Topic 2

What does Skeeter's mother constantly complain about in regards to her daughter's appearance? How does this make Skeeter feel? How does this reflect on Skeeter's lack of romantic experience? At what age do most of the girls Skeeter is friends with get married? What does it say about Skeeter that she is not married? What does Skeeter want to do with her life? What obstacles are in Skeeter's way that might not have been in a more modern setting? What does it say about Skeeter that she disregards her mother's advice and pursues her desire to have a career?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss Minny's home life. How does Minny's husband treat her? Why does Minny not stand up for herself to her husband as she does with the white women who employ her? Why does Leroy throw a dish at Minny's forehead? What does Minny tell Celia about this injury? Why does Leroy later lock Minny in the house and threaten to burn the house down around her? What does Minny do after this happens? What does Aibileen recommend Minny do in reaction to Leroy's behavior? Does she? How does this suggest a happy ending for Minny at the end of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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