The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What deadline is Skeeter originally given for her book in chapter 12?

2. What does Aibileen reveal in chapter 12 about the kitchen in the governor's mansion?

3. What is the one thing Aibileen admits that she admires about Hilly Holbrook in chapter 14?

4. On what day is Celia supposed to tell her husband that she has hired Minny as their maid?

5. What does Aibileen tell Minny in chapter 2 that Hilly Hobrook accused her of?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hilly Holbrook complain about at Elizabeth Leefolt's? How does this lead to the Leefolt's building a new bathroom in the carport of their home?

2. What does Miss Celia do that Minny finds odd? Why does Minny have trouble teaching Miss Celia to cook?

3. Why does Aibileen begin telling Mae Mobley she is a smart, kind girl?

4. What does Celia spend most of her days doing? What is the result?

5. Who sets up the first date between Stuart Whitworth and Skeeter? How does it go?

6. What was Treelore hoping to do before his death? How did Aibileen feel about this?

7. Why does Skeeter begin visiting Aibileen at Mrs. Leefolt's house? What does Skeeter talk to Aibileen about?

8. Who is Skeeter Phelan? How does she know Hilly Holbrook? What did Hilly threaten to do in the beginning of chapter 5 to Skeeter?

9. How did Minny Jackson get an interview with Celia Foote? What happens at the interview?

10. What worries Minny about the day that Celia Foote will tell her husband that she has hired a maid? How does Johnny Foote finally find out about Minny?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What does Skeeter's mother constantly complain about in regards to her daughter's appearance? How does this make Skeeter feel? How does this reflect on Skeeter's lack of romantic experience? At what age do most of the girls Skeeter is friends with get married? What does it say about Skeeter that she is not married? What does Skeeter want to do with her life? What obstacles are in Skeeter's way that might not have been in a more modern setting? What does it say about Skeeter that she disregards her mother's advice and pursues her desire to have a career?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss one of the following relationships in an essay using quotes from the novel to support your conclusions:

1) Skeeter and Aibileen

2) Skeeter and Hilly

3) Hilly and Minny

4) Minny and Aibileen.

Essay Topic 3

Who is Minny Jackson? What does she do for a living? Why does she find herself searching for a job in the early chapters of the novel? What trouble does she run into while looking for a job? Why is this? Why does Minny blame herself for much of her job hunting trouble? Is Minny really to blame for her inability to find a job? Who does Minny serve the Terrible, Awful thing to? Why does she call it the Terrible, Awful? What did Minny do? Why did she do this? What was the consequence of this action? How does Minny feel about what she has done?

(see the answer keys)

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