The Help Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What famous literary character does Skeeter compare herself to in chapter 27?
(a) Cathrine Linton.
(b) Boo Radley.
(c) Holden Caulfield.
(d) Hamlet.

2. Why does Minny fear for her job in chapter 24?
(a) Leroy showed up at the Foote house and caused trouble.
(b) Mr. Johnny is unhappy with her work.
(c) Hilly Holbrook found out she works for Celia Foote.
(d) Celia is angry with her again.

3. What appliance does Mrs. Phelan finally allow installed in her house in chapter 21 after receiving doctors orders to do so?
(a) Air conditioning.
(b) A clothes washer.
(c) A dish washer.
(d) A refrigertor.

4. What ailment does Minny's son, Benny, suffer?
(a) Severe allergies.
(b) Asthma.
(c) Colic.
(d) Diabetes.

5. What does Aibileen's church give her to celebrate the publication of the book?
(a) A plaque with her name on it.
(b) A painted portrait.
(c) A new Bible.
(d) A book signed by everyone in the church.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much does Skeeter tell Aibileen Harper and Row has agreed to pay as an advance for the book?

2. What does Celia write in chapter 26 on a check made out to the Junior League?

3. Where does Skeeter go in chapter 19 to cool off in the overwhelming heat?

4. What is in a letter Aibileen gives to Skeeter in chapter 27?

5. What dish is Skeeter left to prepare on New Year's Day?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the Terrible Awful? Why does Minny tell it to Celia in chapter 26?

2. In chapter 22, it is Mae Mobley's birthday. What kind of cake does Aibileen want to make? Why? What kind does Elizabeth Leefolt insist on Aibileen making?

3. What does Hilly tell Skeeter to publish in the League newsletter or she will throw her out of the league?

4. Who shows up at Elizabeth Leefolt's door in chapter 23 to buy tickets to the League's Children's Benefit? Why is this potentially a disaster for Minny and Aibileen?

5. Why does Celia threaten to leave her husband in chapter 26? How does Minny talk her out of it?

6. What are the secret stories that Aibileen tells Mae Mobley? Why does Aibileen tell these stories?

7. In chapter 18, Minny finds Celia in the bathroom of her bedroom. What has happened to Celia? How does this explain her odd behavior since Minny came to work for her?

8. What does Minny insist on adding to her section of the book? For what reason?

9. What television show discusses Skeeter's book in chapter 29? What is the result?

10. What does Celia tell her husband, Johnny Foote, that prompts him to tell Minny she will have a job for life in chapter 30?

(see the answer keys)

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