The Help Test | Final Test - Easy

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Final Test - Easy

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What excuse does Aibileen think Skeeter will use for the toilet confusion at Hilly Holbrook's house?
(a) It was a typo.
(b) It was a joke.
(c) It was someone else.
(d) It was an accident.

2. Who tells Aibileen to stay away from Skeeter if she wants to keep her job?
(a) Hilly Holbrook.
(b) Mr. Leefolt.
(c) Mrs. Leefolt.
(d) Minny.

3. What does Skeeter push Stuart to tell her about his ex-fiancee in chapter 19 that causes some tension between them?
(a) What her feelings regarding the civil rights movement were.
(b) Whether they ever traveled together.
(c) Whether they shared a bed.
(d) What caused their break up.

4. In chapter 27, why does Skeeter claim she continues to go to League meetings?
(a) She is editor of the newsletter.
(b) Elizabeth is still her friend.
(c) It is her civic duty.
(d) She hopes Hilly will someday forgive her.

5. What famous literary character does Skeeter compare herself to in chapter 27?
(a) Cathrine Linton.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) Boo Radley.
(d) Holden Caulfield.

6. Who is the Benefit to benefit?
(a) The Starving Children of Ethiopia.
(b) The poor of Jackson.
(c) Poor Starving Children of Africa.
(d) The local schools.

7. What tree does Celia Foote keep threatening to cut down in her yard?
(a) The mimosa tree.
(b) The magnolia tree.
(c) The peach tree.
(d) The pecan tree.

8. What does Skeeter feel the Whitworth house is a museum in honor of in chapter 20?
(a) Mississippi State.
(b) His dead grandfather.
(c) His parents.
(d) The War Between the States.

9. What instrument does Celia Foote use to protect Minny from a crazy, naked man in chapter 24?
(a) A hunting knife.
(b) An antique sword.
(c) A broom handle.
(d) A fireplace poker.

10. Why does Pascagoula tell Skeeter in chapter 19 that no one would work for her mother except her?
(a) Her treatment of Skeeter.
(b) Her affiliation with the Daughters of the Revolution.
(c) Her refusal to pay a fair wage.
(d) Her treatment of Constantine.

11. What does Celia call Minny at the end of chapter 17 that makes Minny annoyed with Celia?
(a) Friend.
(b) Servant.
(c) Maid.
(d) Irritant.

12. What does Aibileen's church give her to celebrate the publication of the book?
(a) A book signed by everyone in the church.
(b) A new Bible.
(c) A plaque with her name on it.
(d) A painted portrait.

13. What does Celia write in chapter 26 on a check made out to the Junior League?
(a) For Two-Slice Hilly.
(b) For the spoiled housewives of Jackson.
(c) For the torn dress.
(d) For starving children in Africa.

14. What does Minny forbid Skeeter to do in chapter 17?
(a) Call Celia Foote.
(b) Go to the Benefit.
(c) Discuss her family business.
(d) Print stories about Hilly Holbrook.

15. What list does Mrs. Phelan start writing for Skeeter with the understanding that she is dying?
(a) A what not to wear list.
(b) A list of skills every new mother should know.
(c) A list of things every new bride should know.
(d) A what not to say in public list.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hilly announce at the League meeting in chapter 26 that officially cuts Skeeter out of her final tenuous attachment to Jackson social society?

2. How long does Celia stay in bed after the disaster at the Benefit?

3. Who does Skeeter reveal she paid twenty-five dollars each to put the thirty plus toilets on Hilly's front lawn?

4. What name has Minny chosen as her secret identity in Skeeter's book?

5. What does Celia Foote threaten to do in the aftermath of the disaster at the Benefit?

(see the answer keys)

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