The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Skeeter ask for advice in regards to her new job in chapter 6?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Hilly.
(c) Aibileen.
(d) Minny.

2. Who gave Skeeter her nickname?
(a) Constantine.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her brother, Carlton.

3. How many interviews with maids does the editor suggest Skeeter include in her book?
(a) Twenty or more.
(b) Five or six.
(c) Twelve or more.
(d) Thirty or less.

4. What job did Skeeter apply before in her final days at college?
(a) Copywriter for a New York magazine.
(b) Editor for a New York magazine.
(c) Editor for Harper & Row.
(d) Copywriter for Harper & Row.

5. What point of view is used in this novel?
(a) Third person.
(b) Second person.
(c) Third person omniscient.
(d) First person.

6. What milestone has Mae Mobley entered in chapter 7?
(a) She just began to talk.
(b) Potty training time.
(c) She just began to walk.
(d) The beginning of preschool.

7. What does Skeeter try to give Aibileen at Elizabeth Leefolt's house that Aibileen refuses to take in chapter 8?
(a) A new job.
(b) Jewelry.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Money.

8. In chapter 15, who accuses Aibileen of not teaching Mae Mobley manners?
(a) Mrs. Leefolt.
(b) Hilly Holbrook.
(c) Mrs. Leefolt's mother.
(d) Mrs. Walters.

9. What is the Shinalator?
(a) A floor polishing machine.
(b) A hair conditioner.
(c) A hair dryer.
(d) A silver polishing machine.

10. What does Aibileen reveal in chapter 12 about the kitchen in the governor's mansion?
(a) It has a separate eating area for the domestic help.
(b) It has a separate bathroom for the domestic help.
(c) It has a separate set of dishes for the black workers.
(d) It has a separate refrigerator for the black workers' food.

11. Why have nearly half a dozen maids refused to work for Celia Foote, as revealed in chapter 3?
(a) The house is too large and it is too much work.
(b) She does not offer to pay enough.
(c) She is too odd.
(d) She refuses to tell her husband about hiring a maid.

12. How much younger than Aibileen is Minny Jackson?
(a) Five years.
(b) Fifteen years.
(c) Seventeen years.
(d) Ten years.

13. What does Skeeter's mother nag her about in chapter 5?
(a) Getting a home of her own.
(b) Getting married.
(c) Getting a job.
(d) Getting a haircut.

14. What gesture would Constantine use to let Skeeter knew she wanted her to pay close attention to her?
(a) She would cup Skeeter's chin in her hand.
(b) She would tap her finger on her own chin.
(c) She would tap herself on the chest.
(d) She would press her thumb into Skeeter's palm.

15. What is Hotstack?
(a) A new magazine in Mississippi.
(b) A store in Jackson.
(c) A type of dish in Mississippi.
(d) A black community near Longleaf.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visits the Phelans in chapter 9?

2. What political office is Hilly's husband running for as she announces in chapter 12?

3. What does Aibileen tell Skeeter in chapter 11 her grandmother did for a living?

4. What does Mrs. Leefolt tell Mae Mobley about using Aibileen's toilet in chapter 7?

5. Why does Minny tell Aibileen she needs to find a new job in chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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