The Help Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 25-30.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Mae Mobley spending less time with Aibileen in chapter 29?
(a) She has begun preschool.
(b) Aibileen spends more time with baby Ross.
(c) Aibileen no longer works for the Leefolts.
(d) She has moved in with her grandmother.

2. What does Skeeter admit caused her some disappointment at first in chapter 12?
(a) That Aibileen is unwilling to help.
(b) That Aibileen is unwilling to get other maids to help.
(c) That Aibileen is doing the writing.
(d) That Aibileen is unwilling to do any of the writing.

3. What does Celia Foote threaten to do in the aftermath of the disaster at the Benefit?
(a) Ignore Hilly Holbrook's overtures of friendship.
(b) Write a tell all book about Jackson housewives.
(c) Leave her husband.
(d) Move closer into Jackson.

4. What item does Skeeter take to carrying around in chapter 11?
(a) A black attache case with a broken latch.
(b) A large canvas backpack.
(c) A green army knapsack.
(d) A red satchel that her grandmother once used for her gardening tools.

5. Why does Minny fear for her job in chapter 24?
(a) Celia is angry with her again.
(b) Leroy showed up at the Foote house and caused trouble.
(c) Hilly Holbrook found out she works for Celia Foote.
(d) Mr. Johnny is unhappy with her work.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Pascagoula tell Skeeter in chapter 19 that no one would work for her mother except her?

2. What does Skeeter try to give Aibileen at Elizabeth Leefolt's house that Aibileen refuses to take in chapter 8?

3. What book does Skeeter steal from the white library in chapter 13 because it has been damaged and defamed?

4. With whom does Skeeter plan to share the advance money and subsequent royalty payments with?

5. In chapter 15, who accuses Aibileen of not teaching Mae Mobley manners?

(see the answer key)

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