The Hazel Wood Test | Final Test - Easy

Melissa Albert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hazel Wood Test | Final Test - Easy

Melissa Albert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls Alice a house cat in Chapter 19?
(a) The redheaded man.
(b) Twice-Killed-Katherine.
(c) Ness.
(d) Finch.

2. Who is the grandmother of the girl cutting up maps in the moonlight in Chapter 21?
(a) Twice-Killed Katherine.
(b) The moon.
(c) Althea.
(d) Ilsa.

3. According to Althea in Chapter 23, what had Ella always loved about Alice?
(a) Her dress.
(b) Her anger.
(c) Her eyes.
(d) Her long hair.

4. How does Alice use the comb in Chapter 21?
(a) She uses it as a fork.
(b) She uses it as a bribe.
(c) She uses it to untangle a knot.
(d) She uses it as a sword.

5. What are the three objects left by the red-headed man doing at the start of Chapter 21?
(a) Breathing.
(b) Muttering.
(c) Whispering.
(d) Giving off an electric hum.

6. What wish does Alice ask the grandmother in Chapter 24?
(a) To see Janet.
(b) To return home.
(c) To meet Althea.
(d) For passage out of the Hinterland.

7. When Alice sees her castle in Chapter 27, she compares it to what object?
(a) An empty barrel.
(b) An abandoned toy.
(c) An old shoe.
(d) A broken clock.

8. What happens to Finch at the end of Chapter 19?
(a) He is dragged into a story.
(b) The boy from the cab cuts his throat.
(c) Twice-Killed Katherine attacks him with her shadow bird.
(d) Finch is kidnapped by the redheaded man.

9. What reward would Finch get for delivering Alice to the Hinterland?
(a) Freedom from the Hinterland.
(b) A copy of Tales from the Hinterland.
(c) Money.
(d) Entrance to the Hinterland.

10. According to Janet in Chapter 31, what happened to Finch?
(a) He decided to explore other worlds.
(b) He decided to return home.
(c) He died saving Alice.
(d) He bought the Hazel Wood.

11. Who was once in love with Ella, as Princess Alice learns in Chapter 29?
(a) The Briar King.
(b) The red-headed man.
(c) Alain.
(d) Finch.

12. What Hinterland refugee does Alice befriend at the end of the novel?
(a) Sally Snow.
(b) Sabrina Snow.
(c) Sarah Snow.
(d) Sophia Snow.

13. What type of job does Alice get in Chapter 31?
(a) Delivering pizza.
(b) Stocking shelves.
(c) Making coffee.
(d) Waiting tables.

14. Who stabs the younger suitor, as explained in Chapter 29?
(a) His older brother.
(b) Finch.
(c) The Spinner.
(d) Alice.

15. Years ago, who originally came with Janet to the Hinterland?
(a) Althea.
(b) Martin.
(c) Ness.
(d) Ella.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Althea in Chapter 23, what would happen if Alice spilled her blood in the woods?

2. In Chapter 31, Alice admits to feeling lost without what?

3. According to Alice's story in Chapter 29, what fascinated Alice from her earliest days?

4. How long had Alice's story been frozen?

5. In Chapter 19, the bus driver tells Finch not to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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