The Haj Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Haj Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Nuri Mudhil a professor of?
(a) Archaeology.
(b) Literature.
(c) History.
(d) Biology.

2. After the war, what does Gideon learn when he goes to Tel Aviv to meet with Ben-Gurion?
(a) The British want them to leave the Egyptians alone.
(b) The Arabs want to have three territories.
(c) The Americans are coming to re-build the area.
(d) The United Nations are imposing a peace treaty.

3. Who is the Colonel of the Arab Legion?
(a) Massa.
(b) Zyyad.
(c) Bakshir.
(d) Sabri.

4. Where is Abdullah assassinated?
(a) A mosque.
(b) In his palace.
(c) The center of town.
(d) Jerusalem.

5. How does the Arab League respond when Jordan annexees West Bank?
(a) They ignore it.
(b) They denounce it.
(c) They start a war over it.
(d) They support it.

6. What does Ibrahim have Ishmael do at the Great Democratic Unity Conference?
(a) Help Ibrahim prepare a speech.
(b) Make contacts to get a good job.
(c) Find out who is against Ibrahim.
(d) Take notes to write a letter to the editor.

7. Who does Ibrahim send away so he won't have to become part of the Jordanian army?
(a) Sabri.
(b) Kamal.
(c) Omar.
(d) Ishmael.

8. Why does Husain have a regency when he becomes king of Jordan?
(a) He was considered to be dumb.
(b) He wasn't old enough.
(c) He asked for one.
(d) He wasn't trusted by the court.

9. How do Ibrahim and his family keep the Bedouin away while they are in Jericho?
(a) They dress like the British.
(b) They set up explosives.
(c) They stay with a priest.
(d) They hide in caves.

10. Who will rule the West Bank after Abdullah?
(a) Kaukji.
(b) Kabir.
(c) Ishmael.
(d) Ibrahim.

11. How is Sabri able to support his family in Gaza?
(a) Stealing and selling arms.
(b) Rebuilding cars.
(c) Printing a newspaper.
(d) Working for the Egyptians.

12. Why does Zyyad want control of the West Bank?
(a) So Jordan will have a port.
(b) So Jews can't take his home.
(c) Because it is the biggest territory available.
(d) Because he knows Gideon wants it most.

13. When does Ibrahim tell Ishmael they must leave Jericho for Tabah?
(a) After the Arab uprising.
(b) After the Arab defeat.
(c) After Tabah becomes a British territory.
(d) After Gideon tells him it is time.

14. How does Nada describe the woman she works for?
(a) A modern Arab woman.
(b) A backwards Arab woman.
(c) A horrible mother.
(d) A tyrant.

15. Who is Abu Rommel?
(a) The man who hires Nada.
(b) Sabri's militant name.
(c) Ibrahim's boss.
(d) The Egyptian United Nations representative.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens shortly after the Arabs capture the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem?

2. Where does Ibrahim plan to stay while avoiding going to Jordan?

3. What does Nada do when Ishmael catches her with Sabri?

4. In Part 3, Chapter 6, what does Ibrahim come to realize about Tabah?

5. What are students taught at Wadi Bakkah School?

(see the answer keys)

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