The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What crop did the people of Pakhtoonistan hope to derive income from after declaring their independence from Pakistan?
(a) Poppies.
(b) Wheat.
(c) Potatoes.
(d) Dried fruit.

2. What was the name of the city where one hippie was heading to join an ashram?
(a) Delhi.
(b) Calcutta.
(c) Khatmandhu.
(d) Pondicherry.

3. What is the current name of Ceylon?
(a) Burma.
(b) Sri Lanka.
(c) Siam.
(d) Myanmar.

4. How long before departure were VIP seats reserved on Indian trains?
(a) Four hours.
(b) One hour.
(c) Three hours.
(d) Two hours.

5. How far does the train from Delhi to Madras travel?
(a) 1,000 miles.
(b) 1,400 miles.
(c) 2,500 miles.
(d) 2,000 miles.

6. What Joyce book did Theroux take on the train in Chapter 12?
(a) Dubliners.
(b) The Exiles.
(c) Ulysses.
(d) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

7. How did the Tamils clean their teeth on the train in Chapter 12?
(a) With Western-style toothbrushes.
(b) With their fingers.
(c) With peeled green twigs.
(d) With floss.

8. What author was Theroux reading at the end of Chapter 11?
(a) Dickens.
(b) Kipling.
(c) Dinesen.
(d) Forster.

9. On what Victoria station platform did Theroux depart on his trip?
(a) Five.
(b) Ten.
(c) Seven.
(d) Three.

10. Why did the professor say Indians claimed knowledge they did not actually have?
(a) They were ashamed of Indian and Hindu history.
(b) They were taught wrong things in school.
(c) They wanted to make Indian history sound more fascinating.
(d) They did not want to seem ignorant in front of Westerners.

11. How high did the railway climb through the pass?
(a) 3,000 feet.
(b) 3,600 feet.
(c) 3,200 feet.
(d) 4,000 feet.

12. What were people using the train tracks for in Vijayayawada in Chapter 12?
(a) As a place for meeting people.
(b) As a gathering place for feasts.
(c) As a bathroom.
(d) As a gathering place for selling food.

13. What was the name of the actors' agent met by Theroux on the Orient Express?
(a) Molesworth.
(b) Stuart.
(c) Greene.
(d) Wainsworth.

14. Why was Theroux unable to get food at Meshed in Chapter 5?
(a) The train did not stop long enough.
(b) It was the Muslim fasting month of Ramadhan.
(c) Food was not allowed on the train.
(d) He did not have enough money.

15. What was baksheesh?
(a) A government office.
(b) Extra money needed for a first-class ticket.
(c) A bribe.
(d) A pastry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the American travelers discussing on the train in Chapter 8?

2. At what Italian station was Duffill left behind?

3. What was the tall, four-foot wide box found in the individual compartment in Chapter 9?

4. What famous military leader seized control of Bayezid in 1402?

5. What was the approximate population of Ceylon at the time of Chapter 15?

(see the answer keys)

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