The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Hard

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The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hurin say Rand reminds him off when Rand denies being apart of any Great Game?

2. What does Moiraine and Mim say about the battle between Rand and Ba'alzamon?

3. What do Turak's two servants do when Turak is killed?

4. What does Nynaeve tell Elayne to do when she finds her in the end of Chapter forty?

5. What does Elayne use her power to do in Chapter forty-tow?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what Rand sees in the other lives he sees while trying to use the Portal Stone.

2. Describe the picture that Verin draws as she asks who are the ones that are going to ride into Falme.

3. What does Loial explain he is afraid is going to happen when he is at the stedding in Chapter thirty-five?

4. Describe the scene where Turak and Rand have their fight.

5. What is discovered about the sal'dam after the collars are put on two of the sul'dam by Nynaeve?

6. What happens when Renna comes to Egwene's room and discovers that Egwene has been trying to channel without permission?

7. Describe the conversation that Rand and Thom have in Chapter twenty-six.

8. Describe what Rand and Loial find when they return to the Inn in Chapter thirty?

9. What happens when Liandrin sends the girls through the Waygate into Toman Head?

10. What does Moiraine tell Rand when he wakes up?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) Of the three girls that have been seen so far, Egwene, Elayne and Mim, which does it seem most likely that Rand would marry if any? Explain your answer.

2) Why did Egwene not wait for Rand to wake up before she left?

3) Explain why Egwene began fighting before it was necessary after Nynaeve had rescued her.

Essay Topic 2

1) What plots will most likely be revisited in other book in The Wheel of Time Series? Explain.

2) Did the author do an adequate job in catching the reader up on back information if the reader had not read the first book in the series? Explain your answer.

3) Which of the plots in the story do not need to be revisited later in the series.

Essay Topic 3

1) What is significant about Fain's interaction with Mordeth as Moiraine describes it?

2) Did Nynaeve see Fain in the city as she though? If so why did Fain not approach her?

3) Why did Fain want the dagger so badly?

(see the answer keys)

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