The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Perrin explain that the wolves call the one that killed the Trollocs that were found?
(a) Simply Friend.
(b) Wolf hater.
(c) Shadowkiller.
(d) Giant man.

2. What does Alar say about moving the giant portal stone?
(a) They were afraid to move it.
(b) It moved on its own.
(c) There was no need to move it.
(d) It seemed to resist being moved.

3. What does Renna promise Egwene when Egwene proves that she can find ores in the ground?
(a) A new dress.
(b) A ribbon for her hair.
(c) An extra helping at dinner.
(d) A pudding with her supper.

4. Who does the man say he suspected when he first saw his guard was killed?
(a) Darkfriends.
(b) Fain.
(c) A damane.
(d) A golm.

5. What does Verin say after she has laid hands on Trayal's body?
(a) It is empty.
(b) It is no longer Trayal inside.
(c) It is filled with souls.
(d) It is filled with Darkness.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Rand find telling stories in chapter twenty-five?

2. What does Loial say he will do while he takes first watch with the Horn in Chapter twenty-five?

3. What does Min see above Nynaeve's head while reading her in Chapter forty-three?

4. What does Renna tell Egwene about a damane using the power?

5. What does Thom find when he returns to his room?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the scene where Turak and Rand have their fight.

2. What does Liandrin tell Egwene and Nynaeve in Chapter thirty-eight?

3. Explain what Mim sees around Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne in Chapter thirty-eight.

4. What do the elder Olgier's say in Chapter thirty-six?

5. What is discovered about the sal'dam after the collars are put on two of the sul'dam by Nynaeve?

6. What does Moiraine tell Rand when he wakes up?

7. What happens after Mat blows the horn?

8. Describe Rand's encounter with Ba'alzamon in Chapter forty-one.

9. Describe what Rand and Loial find when they return to the Inn in Chapter thirty?

10. Describe what happens when Turak and his men first enter the room where Ing'tar and his men are standing with the Horn.

(see the answer keys)

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