The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Moiraine and Mim say about the battle between Rand and Ba'alzamon?
(a) They don'e know what happened.
(b) It was only a dream.
(c) It happened in the pits of Darkness.
(d) It happened in the sky and everyone saw it.

2. Who does the woman say that she is when she walks in on Rand and Mim?
(a) Gweneth.
(b) Rand's destiny.
(c) Selene.
(d) Lanfear.

3. What does Loial say after killing the Trolloc in Chapter twenty-seven?
(a) Loial mutters a dark curse over the beast.
(b) Loial sings a short prayer over the creatures body.
(c) Loial always enjoys killing Trollocs.
(d) Loial has never killed anything before.

4. What does Hurin suggest they look for?
(a) A portal stone.
(b) A messenger bird.
(c) Proper grave stones.
(d) Another stedding.

5. What does Arthur say that they must follow?
(a) The Light.
(b) The Aes Sedai.
(c) The Horn.
(d) The Dragon banner and the Dragon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the people in the town of Falme do when they see a damane and a sul'dam?

2. What does Domon decide he needs to do when he is questioned about the cuendillar he possessed?

3. What does Barthanes say he has for Rand?

4. What does Min see above Nynaeve's head while reading her in Chapter forty-three?

5. What does Rand realize while he is battling Ba'alzamon and Arthur is battling in Falme?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Verin tell Rand after they are through the portal?

2. Describe what Rand sees in the other lives he sees while trying to use the Portal Stone.

3. What does the second letter say that Selene leaves for Rand in Chapter twenty-seven?

4. Describe what Rand and Loial find when they return to the Inn in Chapter thirty?

5. What is discovered about the sal'dam after the collars are put on two of the sul'dam by Nynaeve?

6. What happens when Liandrin sends the girls through the Waygate into Toman Head?

7. Describe the scene in Chapter forty-three when Nynaeve meets for the first time with Captain Domon.

8. What does Hurin explain to Rand when he receives the invitations from the two powerful houses in Chapter thirty?

9. What does Hurin tell Rand after Rand burns the three invitations he gets?

10. What does Thom find when he comes home in Chapter thirty-four?

(see the answer keys)

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