The Great Hunt Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Great Hunt Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Rand and the Warder hear that draws their attention in Chapter one?
(a) A woman singing.
(b) A dragon's cry.
(c) Drums.
(d) A rumbling in the heavens.

2. What does Rand pull out of the firebox that he used to use to earn his supper?
(a) A butcher's knife.
(b) An assasin's knife.
(c) A harp.
(d) A flute.

3. What does Moiraine wear in the hopes that it will put some of the Aes Sedai off guard when they see it?
(a) A blue stone.
(b) A magical bracelet.
(c) A shawl.
(d) A ring.

4. What does the Amyrlin tell Rand that he is?
(a) A false dragon.
(b) A pawn being used by both the Light and the Dark.
(c) A useless man.
(d) The Dragon Reborn.

5. What does Ing'tar say is the reason that they should not tell anyone else about Perrin's ability to talk to the wolves?
(a) The Dark One is said to control wolves.
(b) No one knows of talking to wolves.
(c) They might think Perrin was a darkfriend.
(d) Wolves are considered bad luck.

6. What does the woman at the Nine Rings ask Hurin to do?
(a) Sleep in the stable.
(b) Mop her floors.
(c) Play the flute.
(d) Tend to the horses.

7. What is unique about the blade that Mat carries?
(a) It glows when evil approaches.
(b) It is tainted with evil.
(c) It was a gift from a dragon.
(d) It holds the key to time.

8. What does the Amyrlin say after she is grazed by an arrow in Chapter nine?
(a) She had expected this.
(b) She does not believe it was intended for her.
(c) She is outraged.
(d) She is used to assasins.

9. What does Ing'tar say when Mat asks what Trollocs eat?
(a) That they eat whatever they find.
(b) That they must have eaten their Darkfriends.
(c) They are known for eating horse meat.
(d) They prefer human meat.

10. What does Amyrlin say about Rand's name when Moiraine speaks it?
(a) It is an odd name.
(b) It doesn't sound like a name to strike fear.
(c) It seems to be familiar to a deep part of her memory.
(d) It fits in with the prophecy.

11. What do Ing'tar's men find when they enter a village that the Trollocs and the Darkfriends went through?
(a) The people have all been murdered.
(b) The only people left have gone insane.
(c) The town is burned to the ground.
(d) Everyone is gone.

12. Why is Mim at the White Tower?
(a) She has the power.
(b) She was sold into slavery.
(c) She sees things.
(d) Her mother is there.

13. What does Leane say to Perrin before he can leave the room where Mat is being held in Chapter seven?
(a) That Perrin's eyes aren't the ones he was born with.
(b) That Perrin has been touched by the Light.
(c) That Perrin has something trying to get out of him.
(d) That Perrin has been touched by the Darkness.

14. What does Rand find that Moiraine has packed for him?
(a) A Warder's cloak.
(b) A cloak belonging to the king.
(c) A flute.
(d) A banner of the Dragon.

15. What does Rand ask Egwene to promise him in the end of Chapter eight?
(a) That she won't choose the Red Ajah.
(b) That she will wait for him.
(c) That she will get on with her life.
(d) That she will fight the Aes Sedai.

Short Answer Questions

1. What move does Lan tell Rand about?

2. What does Moiraine say is wrong with Mat?

3. What is the reason that Selene gives for leaving Rand in the middle of the night while they are stayin at the Nine Rings?

4. What is Rand told when he tries to have a horse saddled?

5. What does the maidservant say happened when she dropped the oil lamp?

(see the answer keys)

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