The Gospel According to Larry Test | Final Test - Easy

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gospel According to Larry Test | Final Test - Easy

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What consequence does Peter face from Josh being Larry?
(a) He has unique marketing opportunities.
(b) He can merchandize his possessions.
(c) He loses accounts.
(d) He wins new contracts.

2. When does Josh cry for Peter?
(a) When Peter condemns Josh for his selfish act of killing himself.
(b) When Peter throws dirt on the grave.
(c) When Peter carries the empty coffin to the grave side.
(d) When Peter speaks about how he couldn't give Josh everything he needed.

3. What does the banner on the plan claim about Josh?
(a) That he eats a certain candy.
(b) That he wears certain jeans.
(c) That he drinks a certain soda.
(d) That he drives a certain car.

4. What is the friendship between Josh and Beth like at Larryfest?
(a) They hold hands but are still friends.
(b) They are as aloof and friendly as ever.
(c) They become intimate.
(d) They have a falling out.

5. What does Josh wonder when he sees Beth outside her house?
(a) Whether she hates herself now.
(b) Whether she knows he is still alive.
(c) Whether she misses him.
(d) Whether she is relieved.

6. What does Beth say at Josh's funeral?
(a) That Josh would be mocking people for listening to him instead of listening to their own selves.
(b) That Josh would hate the circus his funeral had become.
(c) That Josh would be pleased to see so many people here.
(d) That Josh had not died.

7. Where does Josh stay after the funeral?
(a) A shack in the woods.
(b) His underground cabin.
(c) New Jersey.
(d) His basement.

8. What are Josh's feelings about the project he wakes up with in Part 5?
(a) He is positive it is the right thing to do.
(b) He doubts he will go through with it.
(c) He is sure he will go through with it.
(d) He is not sure it is the right thing to do.

9. What is Josh afraid of if he cannot be convincing?
(a) He will be found and imprisoned.
(b) He will be laughed at for fleeing.
(c) The media will keep looking for him.
(d) He will lose all the integrity he had won.

10. What aspect of betagold makes Josh think of his mother?
(a) Her lotion.
(b) Her eyes.
(c) Her voice.
(d) Her hair.

11. What is Item 57 that Josh posts on the website?
(a) A pair of boots.
(b) A CD.
(c) A camera.
(d) A book.

12. What climax takes place when Josh Swensen is identified as Larry?
(a) The foreshadowing of death is fulfilled, and Josh Swensen 'dies'.
(b) Bono becomes the father Josh always wanted.
(c) Josh's conversations with his mother are transformed into conversations with betagold.
(d) Josh's step-father recognizes his anti-consumerism as resentment, and they reconcile.

13. What does Josh think about leaving a suicide note?
(a) He decides against it.
(b) He leaves a note for Beth only.
(c) He leaves a note for Peter alone.
(d) He announces his suicide on Larry's website.

14. What does Josh think about Beth when he considers his plans and their effect on her?
(a) He doesn't think she will be affected.
(b) He thinks she will be crushed.
(c) He hopes she will be upset so he will know that she cares about him.
(d) He thinks it will help her clarify what her feelings are.

15. Where does the epigraph at the beginning of Part 6 come from?
(a) The book of Luke.
(b) The book of Mark.
(c) The book of Matthew.
(d) Exodus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Josh wear a life jacket while sleeping?

2. What does Josh tell Beth about the publicity?

3. Where is Larryfest held?

4. What does Josh refuse to do for Peter?

5. How does Josh identify himself when the police ask him for identification?

(see the answer keys)

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