The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paul Pisicano believe binds American suburbians?
(a) Anti-German sentiment.
(b) Anti-black sentiment.
(c) Anti-Italian sentiment.
(d) Anti-Jewish sentiment.

2. What causes the disease of beriberi, that stops kidney function?
(a) Lack of Vitamin B1.
(b) Lack of potassium.
(c) Lack of protein.
(d) Lack of Vitamin C.

3. What unusual food did Ken Hourigan eat in the Philippines?
(a) Dog.
(b) Horse.
(c) Cat.
(d) Mouse.

4. How does General William Buster feel about the Vietnam War?
(a) He thinks it was heroic.
(b) He thinks it was necessary.
(c) He thinks it was useless.
(d) He thinks it was unnecessary.

5. What worried Peggy Terry when the tetryl she was working with turned her hair orange?
(a) The toxic ingredients might make her sterile.
(b) The toxic ingredients might make her sick.
(c) Other women would think she had dyed her hair.
(d) The toxic fumes might kill her.

6. How did John Ciardi feel about the dropping of the atomic bomb?
(a) He had won the lottery.
(b) He had regained faith in his country.
(c) He had no further reason to live.
(d) He had lost the lottery.

7. Why were people in San Francisco panicked after Pearl Harbor, according to Dennis Keegan?
(a) They believed Japanese spies had infiltrated the city.
(b) They believed the Germans would attack them next.
(c) They believed the Japanese would attack them next.
(d) They believed the government would draft all young men.

8. What did Robert Rasmus think when he saw the ambulances arriving on the morning his group was attacking?
(a) That it was inevitable that bad things were about to happen.
(b) That modern medicine was a blessing.
(c) That they were all in it together.
(d) That they would have immediate backup.

9. What did Ted Allenby promise the homosexual soldiers in his chaplaincy?
(a) "I will fight for your civil rights."
(b) "I will pave the way for you to get out of the military."
(c) "I will pave the way for you to stay in the military."
(d) "I will guarantee your veteran's benefits."

10. How did Frank Keegan respond to the bombing of Hiroshima?
(a) He thought it was horrible because it killed innocent people.
(b) He thought it was a miracle because it was new technology.
(c) He thought it was unnecessary because they were winning anyway.
(d) He thought it was great because it stopped the war.

11. How long did a recruit from another country have to be in the U.S. army to become a citizen?
(a) Two years.
(b) One hundred and eighty days.
(c) Ninety days.
(d) Four full years.

12. Why were civilians saving fat during the war?
(a) To make salve.
(b) To make nitroglycerine.
(c) To make lotions.
(d) To make soap.

13. What was as important to Italian Americans as cars to mainstream Americans before WWII, according to Paul Pisicano?
(a) Opera.
(b) Fashion.
(c) Art.
(d) Cuisine.

14. What does Robert Lekachman believe happened for the last time in World War II?
(a) Americans hated another nation.
(b) Americans were patriotic.
(c) Americans saw themselves as good.
(d) Americans helped other nations.

15. What did the German soldiers want from the captured Americans that the Americans destroyed?
(a) Their mortars.
(b) Their ammunition.
(c) Their machine guns.
(d) Their .45 pistols.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did the soldiers in the Philippines write home, "Cancel the bonds."

2. Why does Robert Rasmus say he could remember people he knew for a short time many years ago?

3. Why did Peter Bezich's son go to prison?

4. How did Robert Rasmus feel looking at the faces of the German dead?

5. How did John Kenneth Galbraith say the bombing of Hamburg increased the German war effort?

(see the answer keys)

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