The Good Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. John Dowell can only recall one particular dress his wife Florence wore during their stay at Nauheim. What color is this dress?

2. How do the Dowells meet the Ashburnhams for the first time?

3. When does Captain Edward Ashburnham's disease begin?

4. John Dowell can only recall one particular dress his wife Florence wore during their stay at Nauheim. What kind of pattern is on this dress?

5. In which country do the Dowells live?

Short Essay Questions

1. Is John Dowell justified in being angry at Leonora Ashburnham?

2. Why does Florence Dowell commit suicide?

3. Florence Dowell proposes that she and Captain Edward Ashburnham should divorce their spouses and move to California. Why would divorcing her husband and moving to California with Edward be a sacrifice for Florence Dowell?

4. Explain the motivations of each character (Florence Dowell, John Dowell, Leonora Ashburnham, and Captain Edward Ashburnham) for taking the trip to the castle.

5. Why does John Dowell identify with Leonora Ashburnham?

6. According to John Dowell, why does Florence never tell John the truth about her sexual history?

7. Who has the authority in the Ashburnham marriage?

8. According to John Dowell's point of view, what qualities define American culture?

9. How is Florence Dowell's social behavior different from her family's?

10. According to John Dowell's point of view, what qualities define English culture?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Explain the role of money in The Good Soldier. How does money affect the characters' relationships in The Good Soldier? If money is truly power, which of the novel's characters are powerful? How do the novel's characters utilize the power of money?

Essay Topic 2

What message does The Good Soldier send about the institution of marriage? Does the novel present a positive, negative, or indifferent view of marriage? Does Ford aim to leave the reader believing, like John Dowell, that marriage is a rotten apple and a prison?

Essay Topic 3

Explore the role religion plays in The Good Soldier. In the essay discus the history of Catholicism and Protestantism, how the characters' religions affect their relationships, and, lastly, whether John's Protestantism causes any unfair biases in his narration. After thoroughly discussing the aforementioned topics, asses the novel's overall message about religion.

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