The Good Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Captain Edward Ashburnham receive a decoration from the military?
(a) For his excellence in marksmanship.
(b) For his extraordinary bravery in battle.
(c) For rescuing two men who had fallen overboard from a ship.
(d) For rescuing a fellow solder who had been held captive by enemies abroad.

2. What is the name of the character who claims to have seen Florence Dowell leaving Jimmy's room at five in the morning?
(a) Daschle.
(b) Bagshawe.
(c) Nancy Rufford.
(d) Maisie Maidan.

3. What dream must Florence Dowell give up in order to divorce her husband and be with Captain Edward Ashburnham?
(a) Her dream of living in Paris.
(b) Her dream of becoming a world-class tennis player.
(c) Her dream of owning her own racetrack.
(d) Her dream of entering British country society.

4. What is the name of the castle visited by the Ashburnhams and the Dowells?
(a) The Castle of Wernigerode.
(b) The Castle of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
(c) Hohenzollern Castle.
(d) Braunfels Castle.

5. Which best describes Florence Dowell's social views and behavior?
(a) Florence behaves like a religious zealot who calls for the chastity and purity of women.
(b) Florence behaves like a revolutionary feminist who demands that women be liberated from social norms.
(c) Florence behaves quite like a modern woman.
(d) Florence behaves much like an old-fashioned English aristocrat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Captain Edward Ashburnham eventually choose to be his long-term lover?

2. Which of the following characters meet up with the Dowells in France during their honeymoon:

3. Why does John Dowell laugh at Leonora Ashburnham when she says she can't "accept the situation" between Florence Dowell and Captain Edward Ashburnham?

4. Where does John Dowell go after Florence dies?

5. During her honeymoon, Florence Dowell suggests to her husband that they move to which country:

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the point of view from which The Good Soldier is written.

2. Is it wise for John Dowell to marry Florence?

3. According to John Dowell, why does Florence never tell John the truth about her sexual history?

4. Is John Dowell justified in being angry at Leonora Ashburnham?

5. By the end of Part 2, Chapter 2, both Florence Dowell and Maisie Maidan have died. Compare and contrast the death of Maisie Maidan and the death of Florence Dowell.

6. In Part 1, Chapter 3, John Dowell recalls one particular dress his wife Florence wore during their stay at Nauheim. Describe the dress and its significance.

7. Is it surprising that John Dowell, the narrator in Part 3, Chapter 1, tries to justify Captain Edward Ashburnham's relationship with Nancy Rufford?

8. Describe the marriage between Leonora Ashburnham and Captain Edward Ashburnham.

9. Who has the authority in the Ashburnham marriage?

10. How does Maisie Maidan die?

(see the answer keys)

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