The Good Life Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Life Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What, according to the Nearings, did frogs like?
(a) Deep blue pond water.
(b) The cool area under the porch.
(c) Shallow water and mud.
(d) The ocean.

2. How many hills of corn did the Nearings usually plant?
(a) 5 to 10 hills.
(b) 1 to 4 hills.
(c) 80 to 100 hills.
(d) 50 to 60 hills.

3. Why is bed gardening considered such a good idea?
(a) The gardener keeps his feet in the walkways and does not pack down the seed rows.
(b) Plant types all planted together so each bed has only one plant type.
(c) The plants are planted in rows and so much easer to hoe.
(d) Plants are planted by color.

4. When did the Nearings know that they were on the right track with their winter gardening?
(a) When they ate a fresh salad.
(b) When they canned all their food.
(c) When they had food all winter long.
(d) When visitors came and they had enough to eat.

5. What is "heeling-in?"
(a) The plant is dug up and then replanted with undamaged roots.
(b) To make a mark in the dirt with the heel of your foot for planting.
(c) To train a dog.
(d) To be set in ones ways.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a dowsing rod used to find?

2. What was the one negative item about the pond?

3. What are some visitors looking for to buy or have given to them?

4. Who occupied one of the guest cabins in Maine for years?

5. What did the Nearings call the dwarf peas they grew on trellises?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did the Nearings NOT chose a location in Europe for either one of their moves?

2. How was the homestead in Maine to be different than the one in Vermont? What were the Nearings looking for when they began their search for a new home?

3. What caused the leaks in the pond?

4. According to the Nearings, what makes a successful enterprise?

5. Why did the Nearings build their first greenhouse?

6. When the Nearings visited a farm in Holland, how did the family use compost piles?

7. What one regret did the authors have about the stone wall they had to build around the garden in Maine?

8. How were the Nearings gardens like Japanese gardens?

9. How did the Nearings feel as they began to age about life?

10. How did Scott Nearing remove a large tree?

(see the answer keys)

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