The Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the Nearings ask workers how much they wanted for a job on the farm?
(a) "How much will you expect for that job?"
(b) "Will you take a credit card?"
(c) "Can we give you a check?"
(d) "Mastercard or Visa?"

2. How did the Nearings keep records of their projects at the farm?
(a) On loose sheets of paper.
(b) In notebooks.
(c) In their heads.
(d) On a computer.

3. What size were the Nearing's compost piles?
(a) 5 x 5 feet square and deep.
(b) 10 x 16 feet rectangle.
(c) 10 x 10 feet square.
(d) 8 x 8 feet square.

4. What did Walter Twing do on Saturdays?
(a) He collected sap from the trees.
(b) He worked in his garden.
(c) He tended his horses.
(d) He did not work.

5. How, according to the Nearings, can you build whole, living, balanced soil?
(a) By burning leaves.
(b) By burning areas of the forest.
(c) By using soil from the forest only.
(d) By composting.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the Nearing's house, what "rounded out" breakfast?

2. When the Nearings talked about being vegetarians, which neighbors changed their habits and also became vegetarians?

3. In Vermont, what did the Nearings NOT use to keep food cold?

4. How was each work day divided up?

5. Who was the local mailman in the valley in Vermont in 1945?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was this book written for?

2. What about the Nearings baffled the neighbors the most?

3. How much time did it take for the Nearings to provide food for the year, furnish their house and fuel, and provide needed repairs on the farm? What were the positive outcomes of their system?

4. Why were the music sessions a community success? What was different about them that made people want to stay and visit?

5. What were Frank Lloyd Wright's basic ideas for building that the Nearings followed?

6. How did the cancellation of the mail route in 1945 affect the valley? What did they do? How was this, according to the authors, a positive event for the community?

7. Why did the American Indians live in Connecticut and not Vermont?

8. What did the people drawn to the farm lack? How could diversity have been a good thing for the Nearings?

9. What kind of visitors came to stay at the farm? Who were successful, and who were not and why?

10. What, according to the Nearings, was the value of compost and mulch?

(see the answer keys)

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