The Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Nearings thought living in Vermont would be justified as an example of sane living in an _____________.
(a) Sane world.
(b) Removed area.
(c) Insane world.
(d) Utopian society.

2. How did the Nearings light their home?
(a) Electricity.
(b) With kerosene and candles.
(c) Gas.
(d) Candles.

3. How long had Jacklight foot lived in the valley?
(a) 10 month.
(b) 20 years.
(c) All his life.
(d) 35 years.

4. What two farms did the Nearings buy when they got to Vermont?
(a) The Madingly family place.
(b) The Ellonen place and the Hoard place.
(c) The Vermont farm.
(d) The Sandusky farm and the Hodges place.

5. Where did one enter the Nearing home in Vermont?
(a) Through the door in the kitchen.
(b) Through a side door from the garage.
(c) Through the cellar.
(d) Through a double front door.

6. What kind of schedule did the Nearings keep on Sunday?
(a) They attended praise worship and then had amatuer music shows in the evening.
(b) They had no schedule.
(c) They ate breakfast in silence.
(d) They went to church in the morning and worked in the afternoon.

7. What political persuasion were most Vermonters?
(a) Independents.
(b) Republican.
(c) Communist.
(d) Democrat.

8. What did the Nearings later attach to their first stone building?
(a) A visitor's center.
(b) A well.
(c) A campsite.
(d) A garage.

9. How, according to the Nearings, can you build whole, living, balanced soil?
(a) By composting.
(b) By burning leaves.
(c) By burning areas of the forest.
(d) By using soil from the forest only.

10. How did the Nearings get stones to build their buildings?
(a) They collected them around their farm.
(b) They bought them from a gravel company.
(c) They cut them from large slates of granite.
(d) They brought them home from their travels abroad.

11. The Nearings claimed that they were planning not a business, but a __________.
(a) Useful vegetable garden.
(b) Functioning homestead.
(c) Vacation home.
(d) Working farm.

12. What did the Nearings sell as a cash crop in Vermont?
(a) Syrup and sugar.
(b) Dairy.
(c) Cattle.
(d) Vegetables.

13. How much heat does an old-fashioned fireplace allow to go up the chimney?
(a) 3/4ths.
(b) 99 percent.
(c) 10 percent.
(d) Nine-tenths.

14. What did the Nearings find that made a perfect base for their house in Vermont?
(a) A 26 foot split boulder.
(b) A level meadow.
(c) A rock ledge over a waterfall.
(d) A cliff overlooking the water.

15. In Vermont, what did the Nearings NOT use to keep food cold?
(a) Storage bins covered with leaves.
(b) Canned goods stored in an underground cellar.
(c) The cellar.
(d) An icebox, refrigerator, or freezing unit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the definition of disease, according to the Nearings?

2. What was served nearly every day for lunch at the Nearings?

3. What direction do the rows in a garden need to be planted to assure maximum sun to the roots?

4. What did M.B. Kains recommend that farmers serve to their guests when they came for Sunday dinner?

5. How many people could the Nearing's Vermont stone home hold for a meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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