The Good Doctor Test | Final Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Good Doctor Test | Final Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the town now feel about the soldiers?
(a) Resentful.
(b) A positive influence.
(c) Intrigued.
(d) A unnecessary presence.

2. What does Laurence offer to do about the Tehogo situation?
(a) He offers to tell Ngema himself.
(b) He offers to help steal back the items fromTehogo's room.
(c) He offers to talk to Tehogo about the problem.
(d) He offers to go with Frank when he tells Ngema.

3. Why doesn't Laurence come to visit Tehogo?
(a) He is researching a better way to heal him.
(b) He finds Tehogo beneath him.
(c) He spends all of his time planning the next clinic.
(d) He does not want to interrupt Frank's care.

4. What does Frank tell Laurence he must do?
(a) Stay away from Laurence for a few days to clear his mind.
(b) Try to win back his wife.
(c) Travel to sign his divorce papers.
(d) Move to a new city and start over.

5. Which of the following does Frank consider an extenuating circumstance in regards to Tehogo?
(a) His background.
(b) His schooling.
(c) His race.
(d) Loyalty to colleagues.

6. What announcement does Dr. Ngema make at the Monday morning staff meeting?
(a) That Tehogo is leaving the hospital.
(b) That Frank will be heading a clinic in a far away village.
(c) That Laurence is being promoted.
(d) That there will be a clinic on Thursday.

7. What was Dr. Ngema's initial reaction to Laurence's story about Tehogo's stealing items?
(a) She demanded Tehogo resign immediately.
(b) She could not believe Laurence would tell the truth.
(c) She questioned why Laurence had been in Tehogo's room.
(d) She wondered why Frank had not been there.

8. What reason does Frank give for going into town to call Karen?
(a) To hear her voice.
(b) To beg her to return to him.
(c) To talk about the divorce.
(d) To ask her for money.

9. Which word best describes how Frank feels after he finishes talking to Karen?
(a) Dejected.
(b) Surprised.
(c) Excited.
(d) Relieved.

10. How does Frank's ongoing search for Maria go?
(a) He gets a new lead he plans on following.
(b) Unsuccessfully.
(c) It causes people to stop talking to him.
(d) With some success.

11. What is the old man's medical problem that brings him to the hospital?
(a) Cataracts.
(b) Heart trouble.
(c) Broken leg.
(d) High blood pressure.

12. What does Laurence say is making Frank depressed?
(a) Dr. Ngema.
(b) Pessimism.
(c) Maria.
(d) Thinking.

13. Where does Frank go after he leaves Dr. Ngema's office?
(a) To the recreation room.
(b) To go and talk to Maria.
(c) To his own room.
(d) To find Laurence.

14. What announcement does Frank make when Laurence looks to him for support about the clinic?
(a) He says that he agrees it is a waste of time.
(b) He says that he thinks it will be good for the hospital.
(c) He says he won't be there because he has to go away.
(d) He says that Laurence is idealistic and they should give it ia chance.

15. Why does Frank go to Tehogo's room?
(a) To tell him about the clinic.
(b) To see if he had moved out yet.
(c) To return casettes to him.
(d) To escape Laurence for awhile.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Laurence feel after the staff meeting?

2. What does Maria deny knowing anything about to Frank?

3. How does Frank feel about Tehogo?

4. How do the people at the staff meeting respond to the announcement?

5. What is Laurence doing when Frank returns from going to check on Maria?

(see the answer keys)

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