The Gift: Poems by the Great Sufi Master Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gift: Poems by the Great Sufi Master Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "Love Lifts Me" is the response of the _________ who can defy gravity and gloom, according to Hafiz.
(a) God.
(b) Bird.
(c) Child.
(d) Woman.

2. In the poem "Out of God's _____" Hafiz uses imagery from nature to describe himself as a carrier of God's blessings.
(a) Shoe.
(b) Coat.
(c) Glove.
(d) Hat.

3. The poem "_____ Gods" opens the tenth chapter and focuses on drawing attention away from counterfeit gods.
(a) Demi.
(b) Gigantic.
(c) Tiny.
(d) Lesser.

4. Hafiz explains that his purpose in writing is to put words to the longing of human hearts in the poem "I Hope You Won't _____ This Old Man".
(a) Sue.
(b) Kill.
(c) Laugh at.
(d) Hit.

5. Hafiz suggests that surrender is _____ in the poem "The Clay Bowl's Destiny" and is God's intent for life on earth.
(a) Foolish.
(b) Weakness.
(c) Annihilation.
(d) Freedom.

6. In the poem "Scratching my Back" Hafiz describes himself as a _____ scratching his back on the moon.
(a) Goat.
(b) Dog.
(c) Camel.
(d) Cat.

7. "Lousy at ___________" is a poem about how God is a priceless jewel which is broken apart by man.
(a) Science.
(b) Sculpting.
(c) Carving.
(d) Math.

8. The poem "This _____" describes unity with God as a place from which one must invite others to join in.
(a) Union.
(b) Ecstasy.
(c) Love.
(d) Separation.

9. In the poem "Why not be polite" Hafiz invites everyone to listen to those around them as if ____ were speaking through them.
(a) Saadi.
(b) Hafiz.
(c) God.
(d) Attar.

10. Hafiz contrasts his own humility with the wild majesty of his Message in the poem "This Talking _____".
(a) Rag.
(b) Stick.
(c) Bucket.
(d) Bin.

11. "The Heart's ___________" occurs when it makes itself God's pawn, according to Hafiz in his writing.
(a) Witnessing.
(b) Song.
(c) Truth.
(d) Coronation.

12. _________ is the fruit of creation and then its prized possession and source of joy, according to Hafiz.
(a) Deity.
(b) Madness.
(c) Smiling.
(d) Money.

13. Hafiz admits to there being a lot of challenge in the business of __________, according to one of his poems.
(a) Laughing.
(b) Teaching.
(c) Growing.
(d) Learning.

14. "All Then You Are" is a poem which describes all of the manifestations of ________ all inspiring Hafiz to worship.
(a) Women.
(b) God.
(c) The Goddess.
(d) The devil.

15. The first poem of Chapter 13 "______" suggests that everything in creation is part of God's body and so deserves to be revered.
(a) Holiness.
(b) Reverence.
(c) Grace.
(d) Humility.

Short Answer Questions

1. The poem "____ You to My Body" describes Hafiz's desire to keep his students close and teach them all the time.

2. Hafiz comments on the commonality of a life of worship between humans and animals in the poem "The _____ and I Will Chat".

3. The first poem in Chapter 14 is called "A ____ For Your Head" in which Hafiz offers comfort to those exhausted by their trying to exist separate from God.

4. When a person does not understand the proximity of God in his life, Hafiz says he might have to ___________ them.

5. When God's lute begs for a _________ hands, that when this person is able to be useful to God, according to Hafiz.

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