The Freud Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Freud Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is periodic depression?
(a) Depression that comes and goes.
(b) A specific type of anxiety neurosis.
(c) Depression in women that occurs during their cycle.
(d) It is similar to episodic depression.

2. What type of change do sexual instincts undergo during this period of psychoanalysis?
(a) Radical transformation when the ego shifts from pleasure to reality principle.
(b) The patient cannot change his or her mind about receiving treatment.
(c) Denial and anger.
(d) One is cured.

3. What term is also defined by one or more symptoms in "The Theory of Sexuality"?
(a) Psychoanalysis.
(b) Hysteria.
(c) Neuroses.
(d) Psychology.

4. How does Freud view bisexuality?
(a) He believes it is innate.
(b) He believes it is unrelated to genetics.
(c) He doesn't care about bisexuality.
(d) He believes it is hereditary.

5. Why did Freud's mentor make such progress in psychology?
(a) He varied his testing methods.
(b) He would sequence his findings and test them.
(c) He would note every equation he came up with.
(d) He would test random people for illness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What characteristics does Freud's mentor have?

2. What does Freud hate?

3. What characteristics make the "talking" or "listening" cure method most effective?

4. What does Freud want to constantly be reminded of throughout his book?

5. What two feelings does Freud mention helps the therapy process?

Short Essay Questions

1. What symptoms did 'Dora' have after experiencing a sexual trauma?

2. What does Freud say neuroses are linked to?

3. What happens in the pre-pubescent latency period?

4. What does Freud say about distortion between the patient and therapist?

5. What is happening to Anna O. that is making her sick?

6. What are the three sexual preferences Freud discusses in great length and briefly describe them.

7. What does Freud's paper published in 1908 address?

8. Briefly describe the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.

9. What did the doctor's find was making 'Dora' verge on suicidal behavior?

10. Describe what Freud refers to as periodic depression.

(see the answer keys)

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