The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What country does Carl Jung mention having an accepted homosexuality outlook?
(a) Pakistan.
(b) Kenya.
(c) Africa.
(d) India.

2. Which famous painter does Freud NOT mention in "Therapy and Technique"?
(a) Leonardo DaVinci.
(b) Carl Jung.
(c) Sherwin Williams.
(d) Michelangelo.

3. According to Freud, in what decade did this man put forth the idea of "birth trauma"?
(a) 1920's.
(b) 1910's.
(c) 1990's.
(d) 1930's.

4. What is the theme of "The Theme of the Three Caskets"?
(a) The suitor should choose a woman because he knows her essence.
(b) To love blindly.
(c) To give a gift of three caskets a year to grant good luck.
(d) To buy three gifts.

5. How does Freud define narcissism?
(a) When a person loves with oneself.
(b) Disturbing.
(c) When healthy self love has been taken too far.
(d) When a person is self-obsessed.

6. What is the name of Freud's daughter who is mentioned?
(a) Darlene.
(b) Jessica.
(c) Liz.
(d) Anna.

7. What author does Freud mention publishing a four volume work on totem that he used in his own studies?
(a) JC Frazier.
(b) JG Frazer.
(c) Brad Frazier.
(d) JA Fraze.

8. What does Freud say about criminal's guilt in "The Dependent Relationships of the Ego and the Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex"?
(a) It is often unconscious, but may be uncovered through therapy.
(b) It is a conscious feeling.
(c) It isn't guilt, but a feeling of shame.
(d) It is a learned feeling.

9. What does Freud overtly admit about women?
(a) That most do not feel incestuous love.
(b) That he understands them better than men.
(c) The differences between women and men precludes an adequate psycho-analytic theory.
(d) That they are born with a different innate sexual desire.

10. What does Freud claim about the Oedipal complex in relation to human development?
(a) It creates aggression.
(b) It is truly vanquished.
(c) It is of the subconscious.
(d) It is a myth.

11. What Biblical figure does Freud give a bizarre and ornate write-up of?
(a) Jesus.
(b) Moses.
(c) Judah.
(d) Lydia.

12. What was Freud's professed religious standpoint?
(a) He was Jewish.
(b) He was Baptist.
(c) He was an atheist.
(d) He was Catholic.

13. What does Freud say about Michelangelo's sexuality?
(a) He was celibate.
(b) He and DaVinci were lovers.
(c) He had an intellectual relationship with a woman.
(d) He was homosexual.

14. What does the editor explain the libido in terms of?
(a) The ego and in relation to objects.
(b) The mind and heart.
(c) Eroticism.
(d) One's sexual organs.

15. How does Freud define homosexuality?
(a) As an emotional attitude rather than actual behavior.
(b) He calls it transference.
(c) The same sex liking each other.
(d) Secondary to Totem and Taboo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Freud claim is governed by the pleasure principle?

2. What part of the body is addressed in the two accounts on this Biblical figure?

3. What does Freud say about homosexual men in relation to women?

4. What does Freud call the term when two diverse psychic attributes drive behavior along different lines?

5. What does Freud say psycho-analytic treatment begins with?

(see the answer keys)

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