The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Freud say about the totem if it is a pet?
(a) It will be sacrificed by its owners.
(b) It is wild.
(c) It is treated as a totem animal, not a wild adversary.
(d) It is tame.

2. What other work was being done in the field of psychology at the same time as the "birth trauma"?
(a) Male sexuality.
(b) Sleep apnea.
(c) Female sexuality.
(d) Homosexuality.

3. What does Freud suggest could avoid homosexuality in males?
(a) Watching football.
(b) Playing sports with their father.
(c) Having a mean mother.
(d) Having a more present father.

4. What does Freud mention as one of the main causes of horror within the family?
(a) It made someone else in the family dangerously jealous.
(b) It cause the daughter to leave.
(c) It caused a divorce.
(d) Someone dies.

5. What happens to symptoms as their causes are laid bare?
(a) They are released.
(b) They are destroyed.
(c) They take control.
(d) They are envisioned.

6. What does Freud say is a weakness of the philosophy on the unconscious?
(a) Inability to prove its findings.
(b) High value placed on the conscious, without including the unconsious.
(c) Inability to test the subject.
(d) The lack of scientific research on the unconscious.

7. What does Freud say DaVinci bases his students acceptance on?
(a) Beauty and talent.
(b) Charm and talent.
(c) Talent.
(d) Beauty and charm.

8. What two types of libido's are mentioned in "Transitions and Revisions"?
(a) Trust and distrust.
(b) Love and lust.
(c) Ego and object.
(d) Sexual and platonic.

9. What year was this author's work, "Totemism and Exogamy" published?
(a) 1911.
(b) 1915.
(c) 1910.
(d) 1999.

10. What does Freud say is the foremost force to setting motion in therapy?
(a) Letting go and letting God.
(b) The desire to be released from suffering.
(c) The acceptance of having a problem.
(d) Making a therapy appointment.

11. What is the first rule to the psychoanalytic theory?
(a) To physically like your therapist.
(b) To be entirely honest and not censor oneself.
(c) To be present in all sessions.
(d) To have an open mind.

12. With what does Freud suggest incestuous repression is involved?
(a) Genetics.
(b) Neuroses and neurotic patients.
(c) Denial.
(d) Transference.

13. How does Freud define homosexuality?
(a) As an emotional attitude rather than actual behavior.
(b) The same sex liking each other.
(c) Secondary to Totem and Taboo.
(d) He calls it transference.

14. What animal does Freud mention the Jews make an idol out of?
(a) A weak lamb.
(b) A golden fish.
(c) A hairy buffalo.
(d) A golden calf.

15. What does Freud say psycho-analytic treatment begins with?
(a) Hypnosis.
(b) The desire to get better.
(c) A good patient-therapist relationship.
(d) A search to unveil the trouble beneath symptoms of a patient.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the editor mention about how other psychologists feel about the subject of narcissism?

2. What does Freud deem as DaVinci's characteristic as a painter?

3. What does this entire book cover?

4. What does Freud frequently write about being connected to incestuous feelings?

5. What does Freud claim about the Oedipal complex in relation to human development?

(see the answer keys)

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