The Fortune of War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fortune of War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Against what does Maturin warn Villiers?
(a) Not to say anything about the marriage proposal to Johnson.
(b) Drinking too much.
(c) Staying in her room where Johnson can find her.
(d) Saying too much.

2. Why does Maturin speak to a priest?
(a) To confess that he commited treason.
(b) To confess killing a man.
(c) To talk about his upcoming marriage.
(d) To ask after an old friend who is a Catholic priest in Boston.

3. Who is Maturin calling upon when he is assaulted?
(a) Villiers.
(b) Wogan.
(c) Aubrey.
(d) Johnson.

4. What field of study does Maturin recommend George Herapath encourage his son to pursue?
(a) Trade.
(b) Medicine.
(c) Law.
(d) The military.

5. Why is Herapath glad that Villiers is leaving?
(a) So Villiers can give some vital intelligence to England.
(b) So Wogan will start chasing after Johnson.
(c) So Michael will marry Wogan.
(d) He does not care about Villiers one way or the other.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Maturin send to give a note to Aubrey?

2. How does Johnson respond to news of the assault on Maturin?

3. Who is Caroline?

4. How does Aubrey respond to the Navy's questions?

5. Whose throat does Maturin slit with a scalpel?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think Aubrey feels it is justified to violate his "parole," which he gives as an officer and gentleman?

2. What does Maturin do that seems contrary to his work as a doctor?

3. Who is Harry Johnson and what is his connection to Wogan?

4. What does Maturin find in Johnson's papers and what is the implication?

5. About what does Maturin caution Villiers and why do you think he does so?

6. How does George Herapath's attitude towards Wogan seem ironic or hypocritical?

7. What is humorous about Aubrey's daily observations of the bay?

8. What happens to Maturin in Chapter 7 that makes it obvious that he needs to come up with a viable escape plan very soon?

9. What happens that even in the midst of the drama of escape is humorous?

10. How does Maturin explain his engagement to Villiers to Aubrey and what does this engagement say about Maturin's character?

(see the answer keys)

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