The First Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The First Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the boys fill their pockets with?
(a) Fruit.
(b) Garbage.
(c) Candy.
(d) Stones.

2. How did Jacques feel when the evening came?
(a) He knew in his heart that he had to bring his mother there.
(b) He wasn't ready to leave the grave.
(c) He wanted to get as far away as possible.
(d) He knew that he would be back as soon as possible.

3. Where did the traveler walk to when he left his hotel?
(a) The cemetery.
(b) The grocery store.
(c) The park.
(d) The movie theater.

4. How did Jacques feel about siestas?
(a) He found them relaxing and pleasant.
(b) He hated them.
(c) He knew he needed them.
(d) He looked forward to going to bed.

5. Why did he like his small town?
(a) He hated city pollution.
(b) He felt secure.
(c) It didn't distract him from his solitary meditation.
(d) He liked knowing his neighbors.

6. How does Malan describe Jacques?
(a) Hard-working.
(b) Pushy.
(c) Arrogant.
(d) Shy.

7. Where would all the children gather?
(a) In the field.
(b) On the beach.
(c) At the fountain.
(d) In the cellar.

8. What disability did Jacques's uncle have?
(a) He was a mute.
(b) He was half mute.
(c) He was blind.
(d) He was deaf.

9. According to Jacques' grandmother, what illness did Lucie have when she was young?
(a) Typhoid.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) The flu.
(d) Chicken pox.

10. How were Jacques and his father similar?
(a) They were both soldiers.
(b) They both loved art.
(c) They both were farmers.
(d) Jacques looked like his father.

11. Who did the Arab go to find?
(a) His daughter-in-law.
(b) His sister.
(c) A doctor.
(d) His wife.

12. Why does Jacques say he's different around Malan?
(a) Malan commands respect.
(b) Malan has a way of making him feel smarter.
(c) Malan has a way of making him feel stupid.
(d) He loves Malan.

13. Who was the traveler?
(a) Henri.
(b) Jacques.
(c) The Arab.
(d) Lucie.

14. Why did Malan help Jacques at the beginning of their friendship?
(a) He pitied Jacques.
(b) He felt like a father to Jacques.
(c) He felt like Jacques was his mirror image.
(d) He felt that Jacques was gifted.

15. How did Henri feel about some of the actions he saw in the war?
(a) He thought the enemy deserved all they got.
(b) He accepted the actions as something soldiers must do.
(c) He was disgusted but not surprised.
(d) He was horrified and said no man would act like that.

Short Answer Questions

1. How would Jacques learn more about his father?

2. What year did Lucie say she was born?

3. What was Victor Malan's job?

4. How did Max gain his popularity?

5. What sound did Jacques hear before he left the graveyard?

(see the answer keys)

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