The Fires of Heaven Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Fires of Heaven Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Moiraine have to do quickly?

2. What banner does Rand order raised over Cairhien?

3. What does Isendre tell Kadere?

4. What does Valan Luca tell Nynaeve?

5. Who wants to see Rand?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Moiraine give Rand?

2. What do Nynaeve and Galad talk about?

3. How does Elayne demonstrate her compassion and potential as the next queen of Andor when they are leaving a boat out of Samara?

4. What does Valan Luca's group find when they camp on the border between Amadicia and Ghealdan?

5. What does the Little Tower ask of Gareth Bryne and what is his response?

6. What does Davram Bashere want and what is Rand's response?

7. How does Mat end up fighting the Shaido?

8. What does Min share with Elayne about Rand from one of Min's visions that involves Min and Elayne? What is Elayne's response?

9. How does Mat help in the planning of the battle against the Shaido and what are Rand and Lan's reactions?

10. What is the beginning of Mat's army (later to be called the Red Hand)?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There is a "coup" in the White Tower and Siuan is deposed and stilled as the Amyrlin Seat. Discuss the following:

Why is Siuan deposed?

What happens as a result of the cou

What do you think it says about Siuan and Leane's characters that they are willing to appear to the sisters in Salidar with no power and offer whatever assistance they can.

What does it mean to be stilled? How does it affect Siuan and Leanne?

Essay Topic 2

Elayne is one of the three women that Min saw in Rand's future, along with herself. The third will be the Aiel woman, Aviendha. Discuss the following:

Why do you think Jordan has Rand involved (eventually) with three women?

Does Rand's involvement with three women throughout the series add or subtract from the main story? Explain your reasoning.

Do you think it is believable that the three women are willing to share Rand's affections? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Politics and manipulation influence much of what happens in THE FIRES OF HEAVEN, including some of Rand's choices in response to others attempting to manipulate him. Discuss one of the following:

Describe the political situation in The Fires of Heaven and how it impacts the actions of three of the major characters.

Discuss and analyze several people who try to manipulate Rand and his responses to them.

Rand states over and over that he is only trying to fulfill his role as the Dragon Reborn and is not interested in politics. Do you think this is true or not? Discuss fully with examples. Include a discussion of how Rand could use manipulation/politics to smooth his way?

How do Siuan and Lean decide to manipulate the other Aes Sedai even after the two woman have been toppled from power and no longer have the ability to channel? Do you think they would have attempted to manipulate other Aes Sedai if they had not been Aes Sedai at one time themselves?

(see the answer keys)

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