The Fires of Heaven Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Fires of Heaven Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mat do as he is leaving Cairhien?
(a) Tells Perrin he does not want to see him anymore.
(b) Kills a Drakhar.
(c) Leaves his fox medallion with Aviendha for Rand.
(d) Takes command of a unit and leads them into battle.

2. What does the Shienaran who is watching the circus have to do with Nynaeve?
(a) He is good friends with Lan.
(b) Nothing.
(c) He is good friends with Perin.
(d) He traveled with her and Rand and fought at the battle of Falme.

3. Why does Masema say Nynaeve is blessed?
(a) She attended the Lord Dragon when Rand was a baby.
(b) She is so strong in the One Power.
(c) She is engaged to Lan.
(d) She came from the same town as Elayne.

4. What does Min tell Siuan?
(a) That Siuan must not assume the Amyrlin seat.
(b) That Bryne is the key to reuniting the towers.
(c) That Siuan and Bryne must stay close or both will die.
(d) That Siuan must assume the Amyrlin seat.

5. Who is Masema?
(a) A Dark Friend.
(b) A man known as the Prophet.
(c) One of the Forsaken.
(d) Queen Ghealdan's consort.

Short Answer Questions

1. What message does Rand send to Cairhien?

2. What do Elayne and Nynaeve do on the boat?

3. What does Valan Luca tell Nynaeve?

4. What does Kadere do to silence Isendre?

5. Why is Elayne angry at Nynaeve?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Valan Luca's group find when they camp on the border between Amadicia and Ghealdan?

2. How does Moghedien come to be Nynaeve's captive?

3. How does Elayne demonstrate her compassion and potential as the next queen of Andor when they are leaving a boat out of Samara?

4. How does Brigitte come to be Elayne's warder?

5. What do Nynaeve and Elayne tell the sisters in Salidar and what is their response?

6. What is the beginning of Mat's army (later to be called the Red Hand)?

7. Describe three of the refugees that make their way onto the boat with Elayne's group.

8. What does Uno offer Nynaeve and what is her response?

9. How does Nynaeve learn that Uno is still alive and in the same town as they are?

10. Describe Rand and Aviendha's encounter with the Seanchan.

(see the answer keys)

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