The Final Detail Test | Final Test - Hard

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Final Detail Test | Final Test - Hard

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nancy tell Myron?

2. Where does Myron decide to go?

3. What does Myron find out from Clu's roommate?

4. Before Billy Lee can shoot Myron, what happens?

5. Where do Myron and Win go?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Nancy's message from Pat to Myron? How does Myron feel about it? Do you think he should go?

2. How does the author explore Myron's conservative view of sexuality and gender in this section?

3. How does Pat end up getting shot? Why do you think Billy Lee started crying?

4. What does Myron figure out as he walks around town after leaving the police station?

5. What does FJ promise Myron and what does he ask for in return? Do you think Myron should agree to FJ's terms?

6. How does Bonnie explain her affair to Myron?

7. What foreshadowing do you see in this chapter? Do you think Myron and Lucy are connected considering he doesn't think he's ever met her?

8. Who does the local number belong to and do you think she might be someone Myron knows?

9. What does Myron find out from Sandy Li and why do you think it is important to the case that Clu was clean?

10. How does Myron feel when he learns Clu left MB Sports? Do you think his leaving has anything to do with his murder?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Hester Crimstein is the defense attorney for Esperanza. Discuss the following:

1. Do you believe Crimstein is working in the best interest of her client? Why or why not.

2. Do you beleive Crimstein is a competent attorney? An outstanding attorney? Explain your stance.

3. Do you believe Crimstein is the best attorney to handle Esperanza's defense? Why or why not.

Essay Topic 2

Discuss one of the following:

1. Compare/contrast Myron with Win.

2. Thoroughly describe and analyze the character Esperanza.

3. Thoroughly describe and analyze the character Big Cyndi.

Essay Topic 3

Win is what in literary terms is called a "foil" for Myron. Discuss the following:

1. Define the literary term "foil."

2. What do you think is the purpose of a foil?

3. Give examples of how Win could be considered a foil for Myron.

4. Are there any other "foil" characters in the story? Give examples.

(see the answer keys)

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