The Famished Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Famished Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who becomes weaker as Madame Koto becomes stronger?
(a) Ade.
(b) The blind man.
(c) The villagers.
(d) Azaro.

2. Who purchases a car and doesn't know how to drive it?
(a) The photographer.
(b) Madame Koto.
(c) The landlord.
(d) The politician.

3. Azaro's father wins a lot of money because he bet on himself. Who does he have place the bet?
(a) Madame Koto.
(b) His son.
(c) Sami.
(d) His wife.

4. How long does Book 5 say it rains?
(a) Three days.
(b) A month.
(c) Several weeks.
(d) Two weeks.

5. Whose shout from the world of the living manifests as a storm in the spirit realm on Azaro's journey?
(a) The herbalist's.
(b) His father's.
(c) Madame Koto's.
(d) His mother's.

6. Who is angry with Azaro and creates a hole in his path on his spirit journey?
(a) The three-headed spirit.
(b) His spirit friends.
(c) The gods.
(d) The king of the road.

7. What does Koto bring out to the priest that leads the protest in front of her bar?
(a) Water.
(b) Food.
(c) An umbrella.
(d) A chair.

8. After Azaro's third day of withdrawing into himself, what does he do?
(a) He began to sweat from fever and chills.
(b) He cried.
(c) He began to scream in pain.
(d) He began to leave the world of the living.

9. Whose face does Azaro see on a lizard during his journey?
(a) Madame Koto's.
(b) His father's.
(c) The blind man's.
(d) The politician's.

10. Whose window does the stone break?
(a) The blind man's window.
(b) His family's window.
(c) The landlord's window.
(d) Madame Koto's window.

11. Who owns the betting shop?
(a) Ade's father.
(b) Sami.
(c) Madame Koto.
(d) The landlord.

12. Who comes to visit Azaro's father during his recovery, but leaves because other visitors make this person feel uncomfortable?
(a) The politician.
(b) The blind man.
(c) The landlord.
(d) Madame Koto.

13. After the beatings, what does Azaro refuse to do?
(a) Sleep.
(b) Eat.
(c) Sit down.
(d) Go to school.

14. Who follows Azaro's father in his dreams?
(a) Ade.
(b) The photographer.
(c) Azaro.
(d) The blind man.

15. Who does the head beggar turn out to be?
(a) The king.
(b) The blind man.
(c) The four-headed spirit.
(d) Ade.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does not eat the food Azaro's mother puts out for this person?

2. What animal's blood is poured on Azaro and kills his "guide", who is fighting the ferry woman at the great river?

3. On the journey, Azaro and the "guide" come to what place with ever changing colors?

4. Whose tears from the world of the living flood houses in the valley during Azaro's spirit journey?

5. What color are the eyes watching Azaro's father shadowbox?

(see the answer keys)

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