The Famished Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Famished Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Azaro's family fears the other villagers are angry at them because someone had _________________.
(a) Water soaked all their fire wood.
(b) Put out their cooking fire.
(c) Thrown a pot of oil through the only window.
(d) Left an animal carcass at their door.

2. Who runs naked in the rain?
(a) The children.
(b) The photographer.
(c) Azaro's father.
(d) Azaro.

3. What does Azaro do after the spirit girl in the bar keeps blowing out the match every time he lights it for his customer?
(a) He turned away from the spirit to light the match.
(b) He covered the match with his hand.
(c) He moved to the other end of the bar.
(d) He yelled at the girl.

4. Even though Azaro's father is working and his mother sells wares, what are they short of at home?
(a) Water.
(b) Money.
(c) Food.
(d) Clothes.

5. Azaro is kidnapped again, this time by two albinos and a woman. Where is he when they kidnap him?
(a) In the forest.
(b) The bar.
(c) Home.
(d) School.

6. After awakening in the building where he was bathed and fed, Azaro returns to the bar where Madame Koto asks him why he touched her what?
(a) Girls.
(b) Food.
(c) Money.
(d) Snails.

7. When Koto asks for Azaro to come back to the bar he does, and Azaro notices a new ________ for the bar.
(a) Employee.
(b) Mirror.
(c) Sign.
(d) Door.

8. Azaro's father comes to the bar after Azaro returns from the building where he is bathed and fed, and Azaro's father gets into an argument over politics with whom?
(a) The prostitutes.
(b) The landlord.
(c) Madame Koto.
(d) His wife.

9. After climbing the tree and putting on the mask again, what does Azaro see?
(a) Fire.
(b) A storm.
(c) A giant.
(d) Abikus.

10. On what does Azaro see dripping blood?
(a) A stack of wood.
(b) A cut tree.
(c) A crazy man's leg.
(d) A dog's mouth.

11. Whom does Azaro eavesdrop on at the bar?
(a) Tax collectors.
(b) Male customers.
(c) Merchants.
(d) The women.

12. A man told Azaro's family the landlord was raising the rent on only their family. Who does Azaro's father hatch a scheme to get money from?
(a) Madame Koto.
(b) His current employer.
(c) An old friend.
(d) A neighbor.

13. The day after cleaning the house from the celebration, with whom does Azaro go to sell wares?
(a) The landlord.
(b) Madame Koto.
(c) His father.
(d) His mother.

14. Who is in the van with the politicians, besides the thugs?
(a) Azaro.
(b) The landlord.
(c) Azaro's father.
(d) Azaro's mother.

15. After arguing with Azaro's mother, what do the creditors finally take for debt repayment?
(a) Money.
(b) Furniture.
(c) Food.
(d) Clothes.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the celebration, when Azaro's father comes home from looking for a job, why does he get angry with Azaro's mother?

2. Azaro's mother's screams awaken him and he finds what everywhere?

3. As Azaro walks home from the bar through the forest, who does he meet and ask questions of?

4. Upon his return to the bar, Azaro finds more updates and new customers, including this man who yells at Azaro and who Madame Koto refers to as a chief.

5. Who do most of the spirits leave with after the celebration?

(see the answer keys)

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