The Examination Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Examination Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when the ship leaves Juijiang?
(a) It almost capsizes.
(b) It is dead in the water as there is no breeze.
(c) It runs aground.
(d) It is attacked by pirates.

2. How do Chen and Hong cross the Yellow River?
(a) Bridge.
(b) Ferry.
(c) A rowboat.
(d) They are not able to cross it as it is too high.

3. Where does the sailing vessel that Hong and Chen are traveling go?
(a) Beijing.
(b) Hunan.
(c) Changong.
(d) Wuhan.

4. What does the White Lotus plan to do concerning Ni Fenglin?
(a) Assassinate him.
(b) Expose him.
(c) Get him arrested.
(d) Blackmail him.

5. Why is Chen torn over the last question?
(a) He believes the question is immoral.
(b) He believes his answer will anger the authorities.
(c) He does not know what they want.
(d) His experiences conflict with his knowledge obtained through scholarship.

6. What does Chen tell Hong about the time of his captivity with the pirates?
(a) That they fed him well.
(b) That they asked him to read to them.
(c) That they left him alone.
(d) That he was sometimes beaten by the pirates.

7. Who is Wei Xi?
(a) A teacher in Beijing.
(b) The great-grandson of Confusius.
(c) The main examiner in Beijing.
(d) The secretary who oversees the mansion and grounds dedicated to Confusius.

8. Where are Hong and Chen housed in Beijing?
(a) An old widow's home.
(b) A small inn near the edge of the city.
(c) A village with other scholars.
(d) In a tent in a field outside of the city.

9. About what are Hong and Chen warned?
(a) Bandits in the area around Manju.
(b) Traveling through the flooded regions.
(c) The treacherous river currents.
(d) The magistrate in Manju.

10. What does the letter that Hong delivers say?
(a) Hong is to be promoted within the White Lotus ranks.
(b) Not much of anything.
(c) It is a test of Hong's reliability.
(d) Hong is to be imprisoned.

11. What is the palace examination?
(a) A special exam for nobles.
(b) An exam for those who want to go into politics.
(c) The exam taken by those who pass the municipal exam.
(d) A special exam for those over 30 years of age.

12. Why does Hong say he cannot see Chen as a magistrate?
(a) He would be unable to hand out punishments.
(b) He believes in democracy.
(c) He knows nothing about the law.
(d) He doesn't believe in the government.

13. How does Chen feel about his ranking?
(a) Angry.
(b) Not surprised.
(c) Amazed.
(d) Disappointed.

14. What will Hong learn from Tang Wangai at the tomb?
(a) The last question on Chen's examination.
(b) Where and when to find Ni Fenglin.
(c) The next secret step in the White Lotus.
(d) Where do find General Ma.

15. What kind of format is the final exam?
(a) It is a multiple choice exam.
(b) Very unstructured.
(c) It is done by short answers.
(d) Very precise structure.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the municipal examination do?

2. Who is Ni Fenglin?

3. Who is Meng Dafu?

4. How is Hong dressed as he rides to the ceremonial tomb?

5. Why do the two men leave Hong?

(see the answer keys)

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