The Everlasting Man Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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The Everlasting Man Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: On the Man Called Christ, Chapter V: The Escape from Paganism.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chesterton say of society and the church during the rise of Christianity?
(a) They were both complex and many sided.
(b) One was dying and the other being born.
(c) They were dependent on each other.
(d) Society clung to the church like a parasite.

2. What does Chesterton call the death of Jesus?
(a) Timeless.
(b) The objective of his mission.
(c) Preordained.
(d) The act of greatest consequence.

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the elements Chesterton says are popularly believed to be the root of religion?
(a) Dreams.
(b) The question of our origins and purpose.
(c) The harvest and resurrection of growing corn.
(d) The leader of the tribe.

4. According to Chesterton, how do civilization and barbarism interact?
(a) They return in cycles.
(b) Civilization is a reaction to barbarism.
(c) They have always existed side-by-side.
(d) None of these.

5. What does Chesterton say about the teachings of Christ?
(a) They are paradoxes.
(b) None of these.
(c) They did not fit in his own time any better than they do now.
(d) They are not meant to be accomplished.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is a statement that Chesterton makes?

2. To what does Chesterton compare early Christianity?

3. Which of the following does Chesterton say Christendom brought to the world?

4. Which of the following statements does Chesterton say about early Christians?

5. According to Chesterton, what social point does divinity being born as an outcast make?

(see the answer key)

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