The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, The Positive Aspect of Ambiguity, Sections 1-3, The Aesthetic Attitude, Freedom and Liberation, The Antinomies of Action.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what point does Beauvoir declare the death of an individual is not a failure?
(a) If his death leads to the victory of his cause.
(b) When the cause for which he died preserves freedom for all.
(c) If the cause for which he died is carried on by his survivors.
(d) When it is integrated into a project which surpasses the limits of life.

2. How does Beauvoir suggest that a child console himself when confronted with personal imperfection?
(a) By holding to ignorance so as not to have to explain his predicament.
(b) By blaming his problem on another child.
(c) By pinning his hopes on the future.
(d) By denying the flaw and moving to his next goal.

3. How does Beauvoir suggest violent action against oppression becomes a contradiction to the cause of freedom?
(a) Because those who see oppressors as being beneficial will believe they fight for freedom in defense of an oppressor.
(b) Because those who fight oppression generally desire the power of those they attempt to overthrow.
(c) Because those who fight oppression must oppress those who fight with them to command the battle.
(d) Because conquering enemies requires reducing the enemies to things and those who fight oppression must reduce themselves to things as well.

4. How does Beauvoir claim the condition of the world changes from child to adolescence?
(a) The adolescent realizes his decisions have affects.
(b) The individual begins to realize that matter has significant influence on thought.
(c) The world is no longer ready made, but must be made.
(d) When a child begins to realize he cannot create his own existence, he becomes accountable for his thoughts.

5. According to Beauvoir, if every man is free:
(a) He cannot will himself free.
(b) His will must remain free.
(c) He must work to free other men.
(d) He is free to oppress the freedom of others.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Beauvoir, how is freedom present within the drama of choice?

2. How does Beauvoir claim that Marxists consider man's actions to be valid?

3. How does Beauvoir explain that Marxists perceive that acts can be regarded as good or bad?

4. What does Beauvoir claim comes of an accomplished act that is left behind by an individual?

5. What contradiction does Beauvoir suggest will come to those who fight for a cause due to the complexity of the world?

(see the answer key)

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