The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, The Positive Aspect of Ambiguity, Sections 1-3, The Aesthetic Attitude, Freedom and Liberation, The Antinomies of Action.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How will an oppressor use history to justify his oppression, according to Beauvoir?
(a) He will point out only past actions of his benevolence.
(b) He will create new history to confuse his enemies.
(c) He will negative aspects of history that existed before his power was attained.
(d) He will subjectively use the past to justify his power.

2. If an individual does not inform a slave of his oppression, what does Beauvoir suggest of their position regarding tyranny?
(a) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny is complicit in tyranny.
(b) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny assumes the Aesthetic Attitude.
(c) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny becomes a tyrant himself.
(d) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny loses his will to be free.

3. What are some of the causes that Beauvoir points out that oppressors will claim to defend in their battles against those who try to overthrow them?
(a) Oppressors will fight to defend duty, honor, and country.
(b) Oppressors will fight for peace, freedom, and morality.
(c) Oppressors will fight for prosperity, social stability, and security.
(d) Oppressors will fight in the name of civilization, institutions, monuments, and virtues.

4. What does Beauvoir identify as the paradox of Marxist thought?
(a) "Marxist deny desires for material things while devoting their revolution to taking material things."
(b) "From the moment a man recognizes himself as free, he is prohibited from wishing for anything."
(c) "Marxist deny accepting morality while condemning all movements that do not accept their moral view."
(d) "The point at which the proletariat overthrows the bourgeois, they immediately attempt to become bourgeois."

5. In the challenge for those who suffer more than one oppressor, what answer does Beauvoir offer?
(a) The issue is moral, not political, and the moral consensus must be reached with at least one oppressor.
(b) Only by working with the least offensive of the oppressors could other oppressors be removed.
(c) Only by generating full support of the masses could any of the oppressors be dispatched.
(d) Overthrowing the oppressors is a matter of opportunity and efficiency.

Short Answer Questions

1. What example did Beauvoir use to show how those who fight for a cause will come to accept certain contradictions.

2. To what conclusion to Beauvoir arrive regarding Sartre's internal choices that are affected by personal passions?

3. How does Beauvoir establish the relationship between things and man in human action?

4. To what does Beauvoir compare the presence of freedom within the drama of choice?

5. What does Beauvoir claim to be the relationship between the serious and nihilism?

(see the answer key)

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