The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, The Positive Aspect of Ambiguity, Sections 1-3, The Aesthetic Attitude, Freedom and Liberation, The Antinomies of Action.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. If an individual does not inform a slave of his oppression, what does Beauvoir suggest of their position regarding tyranny?
(a) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny is complicit in tyranny.
(b) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny assumes the Aesthetic Attitude.
(c) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny becomes a tyrant himself.
(d) The individual who remains silent regarding tyranny loses his will to be free.

2. To what conclusion to Beauvoir arrive regarding Sartre's internal choices that are affected by personal passions?
(a) Sartre's man eliminates the needs for external moral influence by following passions that eventually lead to personal benefit.
(b) Since man is directed by his eternal passions, the external force of God has no influence in Sartre's existentialism.
(c) Since passions and their choices are internal, there are no objective standards by which to define their usefulness.
(d) Since Sartre considers man as driven by internal passions, he brings to question the existence of the physical world and its causes and effects.

3. When does Beauvoir suggest an individual might adopt the Aesthetic Attitude?
(a) During moments of discouragement and confusion.
(b) During efforts of an individual to will themselves free.
(c) When he recognizes that his freedom is secured when he is not with others.
(d) During times of oppression.

4. What does Beauvoir claim to be the choice that comes to a young man after a long crisis?
(a) He can accept his ambiguity and move to freedom and ethics, or he can return to the shelters of his childhood.
(b) He can escape the stress of his existence or throw himself into the object that defines his goal.
(c) He can define his life through his choices, or avoid his choices and slip into nothingness.
(d) He either turns back toward the world of his parents and teachers or he adheres to the values which are new but seem to him just as sure.

5. What does Beauvoir define as the drama of original choice?
(a) That it goes on moment by moment for an entire lifetime.
(b) That it has both cause and effect.
(c) That it justifies the positions of existentialists.
(d) That its affects are ambiguous.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Beauvoir identify as the irony of the serious man?

2. Who does Beauvoir use as an example of moving through such obstacles?

3. What does Beauvoir identify as the certain truth contained in the nihilist attitude?

4. What does Beauvoir report to be the child's situation?

5. How does Beauvoir bring into question the Marxist claim that pure proletariat revolution is generated by the proletariat class?

(see the answer key)

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