The Erotic Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Erotic Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reasons doe his partner give for Ovid's impotence?

2. How much focus does Ovid put on poetry when he finishes his education?

3. After the attempted abortion, what is Corinna's immediate state?

4. In Amores 2:15, what item does Ovid wish he was?

5. Which of the following best characterizes Ovid's poetry?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ovid say causes him to turn cold toward Corinna? What is it about her that he does not like?

2. Does Ovid experience success as a statesman or a poet during his lifetime? Explain.

3. In Amores 3:11, Ovid grapples with conflicting emotions regarding Corinna. What are they and why?

4. Does Ovid marry? Does he have children? Describe Ovid's matrimonial and parental experiences.

5. Describe the personality of Ovid in the role of lover.

6. Does Ovid plan or try to join the military? Why or why not?

7. Explain what happens the time Ovid is impotent.

8. What does Dipsas tell Corinna?

9. What is Ovid's opinion of those who expose clandestine love affairs?

10. What does Ovid devote an entire poem to compare lovers to in Amores? Why are they similar?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Ovid's banishment from Rome remains one of the great historical mysteries. There are many clues and theories about the details of his banishment and what caused it. Write an essay covering in detail the known facts in the situation and the various theories regarding the unknown parts of his banishment.

Part 1. What concrete information do we have about Ovid's banishment? What is the official reason given for it?

Part 2. What important information is not known regarding Ovid's banishment? How do we know we are missing something important?

Part 3. What theories exist about the reasons behind his banishment?

Part 4. Where is Ovid exiled to? How long does he stay there? What is it like for him? What are the sum affects of the banishment on Ovid?

Essay Topic 2

After the Cures For Love, there is a fragment of the text that remains from his poem On Facial Treatment for Ladies. This fragment gives us a glimpse into what makeup and its applications might have been like two thousand years ago in Rome. Further this text with some research on the side and discuss the history and changes of makeup over time.

Part 1. Summarize and explain the information in On Facial Treatment for Ladies and other sources you have used.

Part 2. What would it have been like to use cosmetics as they were then?

Part 3. How have cosmetics changed over time to become how they are today? How is the experience of the user different?

Essay Topic 3

Ovid lays out a detailed framework for those that wish to be successful courting the other sex. How do you measure up?

Part 1. What specific advice does Ovid give your gender?

Part 2. Are there some parts of the advice that are outdated? Can they be translated to something current? For example, if he refers to a "toga", we can translate it as "clothes."

Part 3. How much of this advice do you currently practice? Do you think your chances in love would be better or worse if you practiced more?

(see the answer keys)

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