The Enchanted April Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Enchanted April Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Arbuthnot consider wearing in her hair in Chapter 20?
(a) A bow.
(b) A flower.
(c) A bonnet.
(d) A clip.

2. What does Lady Caroline find strange in Chapter 10?
(a) That none of the other ladies knows who she is.
(b) That she is enjoying the ladies' company.
(c) That the other ladies are so open and friendly with one another.
(d) That she is far more relaxed than she normally is in such situations.

3. What does Mr. Briggs think about Lady Caroline when he first sets eyes on her?
(a) She is "handsome but not breathtakingly so".
(b) She is "his ideal of absolute loveliness".
(c) Her "face is like an angel's".
(d) Her "beauty overcomes her lack of warmth".

4. What is Mr. Wilkins' profession?
(a) He is a doctor.
(b) He is a teacher.
(c) He is a lawyer.
(d) He is a businessman.

5. How does Mellersh appear at lunch and dinner in Chapter 15?
(a) Tired and in a bad mood.
(b) Disheveled and awkward towards the women.
(c) Well-dressed, groomed and polite.
(d) Comfortable in his nightgown and slippers.

6. Why are Mrs. Arbuthnot, Lady Caroline and Mrs. Fisher disappointed in Chapter 13?
(a) Because Mrs. Wilkins does not return until dinner.
(b) Because Mrs. Wilkins does not bring anything back with her from town.
(c) Because Mrs. Wilkins decides to make dinner.
(d) Because Mrs. WIlkins returns quite quickly.

7. How does Mrs. Fisher's opinion of Mr. Briggs change when she senses his feelings for Lady Caroline in Chapter 19?
(a) She thinks less of him.
(b) She appreciates him more.
(c) She is more intrigued by him.
(d) She feels embarrassed for him.

8. What is Mrs. Fisher confused to discover in Chapter 13?
(a) That she can move quite easily without her stick.
(b) That the indoors are stifling her.
(c) That she is growing attached to the other ladies.
(d) That her eyesight is improving.

9. Why does Mellersh exit the bathroom wearing only a towel in Chapter 14?
(a) Due to an explosion in the boiler.
(b) An important telegram arrives for him at the front door.
(c) He can't find the soap.
(d) He needs to talk to his wife urgently.

10. Where is Mrs. Wilkins returning from when she kisses Mrs. Fisher in Chapter 18?
(a) A picnic.
(b) The beach.
(c) A trip to the grocer's.
(d) The garden.

11. How does Mrs. Fisher find a particularly hidden area of the garden in Chapter 10?
(a) By following the sound of crying.
(b) By following the scent of cigarettes.
(c) By following the sound of two people arguing.
(d) By following a faint flashing light.

12. What conclusion does Lady Caroline come to in Chapter 13?
(a) That her life back home is lacking nothing.
(b) That the other women are unruly and tiresome.
(c) That her life is flashy, shoddy and empty.
(d) That she made the wrong choice coming to Italy.

13. Who is Rose?
(a) Mrs. Fisher.
(b) Mrs. Wilkins.
(c) Mrs. Arbuthnot.
(d) Lady Caroline.

14. What is Mrs. Wilkins relieved by in Chapter 15?
(a) That there has been no disagreements or awkward conversations between her husband and the other women.
(b) That her husband does not scold her after her confession.
(c) That her husband seems to like Italy and the villa.
(d) That the other ladies do not detest her husband.

15. What does Rose wait for after writing to her husband in Chapter 17?
(a) A knock at the front door.
(b) A telegram.
(c) A letter.
(d) A sign.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mellersh always keep in mind in regards to the other women staying at the villa?

2. Who does Mrs. Wilkins post a letter to in Chapter 11?

3. Who is Mellersh?

4. Who offers to pay for the first week of groceries for the group in Chapter 15?

5. What is Lady Caroline concerned about in Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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