The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What stands at the center of the Hall at the Trips Festival?
(a) The Pranksters' Tower of Control
(b) A disco ball
(c) A small version of the National Monument
(d) A massive statue of Kesey

2. What is Kesey's alias in Guadalajara?
(a) Guadalupe
(b) Jerry Garcia
(c) Diablo, or the Devil
(d) Sol Almande, or Salamander

3. Where is Neal Cassady's body found?
(a) In an alley and Haight-Ashbury
(b) Beside a railroad track in Mexico
(c) Next to the Warehouse
(d) Next to the Gas Station

4. What has San Francisco State University become?
(a) The Yale of the west
(b) The pot capital of the west
(c) The Harvard of the west
(d) The acid heads' true universitas

5. According to Wolfe, who in three years time will film an LSD bus trip through England?
(a) The Beatles
(b) The Rolling Stones
(c) Babbs
(d) Timothy Leary

Short Answer Questions

1. Kesey becomes increasingly paranoid in Mexico because he thinks:

2. Do all of the Pranksters think giving out laced Kool-Aid without telling people is a good idea?

3. Who did Black Maria originally follow to Mexico?

4. Why are people disappointed in Kesey after the trial?

5. While briefly in jail, Kesey meets a kid with:

Short Essay Questions

1. What did you think when Kesey returns to La Honda after the concert and finds up to 400 people there?

2. Is it ironic that Kesey wants to leave the Beatles concert before the crowd gets out of control?

3. For all the things that Kesey hates about Mexico, at this point he discovers a very different side of the country and its people. What does he discover?

4. Why do you think Babbs moves the acid tests to Los Angeles?

5. Is it ironic that Kesey goes to the U.S. Consulate, isn't ironic and even gets money from one of the staff?

6. After Zonker receives a telegram informing the group that the suicide note scheme didn't work, who spreads news that Kesey is in Mexico?

7. What is Kesey's response to an imminent arrest?

8. Why do you think the Mexicans greet the Pranksters with "Diablo!"

9. Where is Kesey and what is he doing at the end of this story?

10. Do you think that Kesey went on his bizarre rant on stage because the Pranksters arrived late to the the anti-war rally with little reception?

(see the answer keys)

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