The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has San Francisco State University become?
(a) The acid heads' true universitas
(b) The pot capital of the west
(c) The Harvard of the west
(d) The Yale of the west

2. Who takes over leadership while Kesey's in Mexico?
(a) Mountain Girl
(b) Faye
(c) Babbs
(d) Zonker

3. Where do the Pranksters agree to make a secret rendez-vous in Mexico?
(a) Tijuana
(b) Guadalajara
(c) Mazatlan
(d) Mexico City

4. Do the Pranksters believe in anti-war rallies?
(a) Yes
(b) It depends on the war in question
(c) They are not political and unaware of wars
(d) No

5. In what format is this chapter written?
(a) Haiku
(b) Free verse poetry
(c) Outline
(d) Shakespearan sonnet

6. How does Wolfe describe Haight-Ashbury at this point in the story?
(a) A rival for New York
(b) A center for culture and design
(c) A circus
(d) A carnival

7. Who goes to Mexico with Kesey?
(a) Mountain Girl and Jerry Garcia
(b) Sandy and Babbs
(c) Zonker and Babbs
(d) Boise, Zonker and Jim Fish

8. Do the Grateful Dead agree to play at this big party?
(a) They're not a band yet
(b) They never receive a formal invitation
(c) Yes but they decide not to show up
(d) No, they're under contract to play elsewhere

9. What stands at the center of the Hall at the Trips Festival?
(a) The Pranksters' Tower of Control
(b) A small version of the National Monument
(c) A massive statue of Kesey
(d) A disco ball

10. What happens to Kesey on the rooftop of Stewart Brand's building in San Francisco?
(a) He asks Mountain Girl to marry him
(b) He wears an electric suit
(c) He falls off but doesn't get injured
(d) He gets arrested for possession of marijuana

11. What three events occur in this chapter?
(a) Mountain Girl flees to Mexico, Kesey turns himself over, and Sandy writes a tell-all book
(b) Mountain Girl starts her own group, Sandy starts his and Kesey makes no changes
(c) Mountain Girl goes to New York, Sandy returns to New York and Kesey's heading for Mexico
(d) Keseys sells the bus, heads for Mexico and starts a cult there

12. What makes the Jug Band freeze?
(a) The sight of Kesey and his harmonica
(b) A combination of tear gas and fear
(c) A combination of tear gas and really cold weather
(d) A combination of tear gas and drugs they've taken

13. Where does Kesey usually obtain his LSD?
(a) From the Mad Chemist
(b) From a source in Thailand
(c) He makes it himself
(d) From the Leary Group

14. Kesey becomes increasingly paranoid in Mexico because he thinks:
(a) Everyone looks like the devil
(b) The authorities are after him
(c) His LSD supply is very low
(d) Black Maria is in love with him

15. After his horrible trip, Owsley threatens to:
(a) Bring criminal charges against the Pranksters
(b) Cut off the Pranksters' LSD supply
(c) Make really bad LSD
(d) Call the police when Kesey goes on a trip

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are people disappointed in Kesey after the trial?

2. Who 'fails' the acid test?

3. Where does Kesey get money?

4. Does Kesey give the Ampex to Sandy?

5. Many people in the area think the Pranksters are from:

(see the answer keys)

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