The Eight Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eight Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who holds the Black Queen?
(a) Mireille
(b) Plato
(c) Paul
(d) Abbess

2. What deduction do Catherine, Lily and Solarin come to about the placement of the pieces on the chess board?
(a) In a squared off figure eight
(b) Ax-shaped figure eight
(c) The shape of a sharpened ax
(d) In the shape of a stone

3. How long does it take the characters to travel to America once they actually start?
(a) Years
(b) Weeks
(c) Months
(d) Days

4. Who does Minnie tell Catherine has nine other pieces?
(a) Sharrif
(b) Solarin
(c) Mordecai
(d) Harry

5. Where does Catherine come ashore?
(a) In the Channel Islands
(b) At the OPEC conferece
(c) In Paris
(d) Where Sharrif is waiting

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lily call the move she uses to get out of her stuck position?

2. What "science" does Minnie indicate there is a relationship between all of the disciplines (previously discussed)?

3. In what way are Solarin and Nim related?

4. What does Robespierre say is another name for the White Queen?

5. What city of the past do Catherine and Lily supposedly drive through as they follow the route Minnie drove?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Minnie reveal to Catherine and Lily about where the service is hidden and what does she provide them to help them collect them?

2. What prophecy does Charlot offer to Napoleon?

3. What has the Abbess concealed in her room and how does Catherine react to it when the Abbess reveals it to her?

4. What does Catherine recall about the time when the lunar and solar calendars cycle back to return to their starting points?

5. Why does the Bishop protest Mireille's suggestion that he must marry the White Queen to help end the game?

6. Describe in detail how Catherine, Lily and Carioca make it out of the restaurant?

7. What events happen with the Bishop in London and what does she bring him?

8. What do Catherine, Lily and Solarin agree is the only way to test their theory about the formula?

9. How many pieces have been located by Catherine and her friends and where are they located?

10. Where was Lily surprised to find at least two pieces of the service?

(see the answer keys)

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