The Eight Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eight Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mireille name the falcon that she captures and trains to hunt for her and her guide as they travel across Algeria?
(a) Charlot
(b) Shahin
(c) Catherine
(d) Charlemagne

2. What does Shahin call a sandstorm?
(a) The White Sands
(b) The Singing Sands
(c) The White Queen
(d) The Refugee of Sand

3. What are the symbols on the cloth that once covered the service besides the figure eight which Catherine and Lily examine?
(a) Symbols of hate
(b) Symbols of gods
(c) Symbols of elements
(d) Symbols of love

4. What do Catherine and Lily see when they return to their car?
(a) A figure eight on the side
(b) Minnie sitting in the seat
(c) Sharrif's security forces
(d) Carioca digging under the ground

5. Which of the following characters controls the leaders of the Revolution?
(a) Corday
(b) Marat
(c) Charlotte
(d) David

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Catherine tell El-Marad?

2. How long is the time required for the lunar and solar calendars to cycle back and return to their starting points?

3. From whom does Robespierre tell David that he learned about the service?

4. What does Minnie tell Lily and Catherine the white side wants to create with the information contained in the Montglane Service?

5. In what state does the Bishop decide to bury pieces from the Montglane Service?

Short Essay Questions

1. What connection does Lily explain to Catherine about the ax and chess?

2. What prophecy does Charlot offer to Napoleon?

3. What happens to change Mireille's plans to kill Marat and how do they change?

4. What was the formula in the service for and what does it allow to happen according to Newton?

5. What does Catherine recall about the time when the lunar and solar calendars cycle back to return to their starting points?

6. Why does the Bishop protest Mireille's suggestion that he must marry the White Queen to help end the game?

7. Where was Lily surprised to find at least two pieces of the service?

8. What does Minnie tell Catherine that she was chosen to be and what realization about herself does Catherine come to?

9. What alternative plan does Solarin offer once it is obvious that the storm has blown the ship significantly off course?

10. What is Paul's plan now that Catherine the Great has died?

(see the answer keys)

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