The Eight Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eight Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following characters accompanies Mireille across Algeria?
(a) Charlot
(b) Shahin
(c) Charlemagne
(d) David

2. What does Minnie give to Catherine and Lily?
(a) Mireille's diary
(b) Several pieces of the service
(c) The cloth
(d) Weapons

3. Which of the following characters looks like Mireille enough that Mireille can replace her to keep the appointment with the Revolution leader?
(a) Corday
(b) David
(c) Marat
(d) Abbess

4. How do Catherine, Lily and the dog escape from the bar and Sharrif?
(a) Jump in the water
(b) Run to their vehicle
(c) Escape on horseback
(d) Kamel saves them

5. What do Catherine, Lily and Solarin decide is the only way to test their theory?
(a) Get the cloth
(b) Gather the board
(c) Gather all of the pieces
(d) Gather all of the pieces and the board

6. Where does the Bishop end up when the ship on which he was sailing sinks?
(a) France
(b) England
(c) Channel Islands
(d) America

7. How long do Catherine and Lily have to hike through the desert along the walking path?
(a) 8 hours
(b) 2 hours
(c) 1 hour
(d) 4 hours

8. How does the Bishop describe England after he is told he is an enemy of the British people?
(a) The black land
(b) The black queen
(c) The white land
(d) The white queen

9. What do Catherine and Lily see when they return to their car?
(a) Sharrif's security forces
(b) A figure eight on the side
(c) Minnie sitting in the seat
(d) Carioca digging under the ground

10. Where does Mireille tell Marat that she has shipped the pieces for which she was responsible?
(a) The Abbey
(b) England
(c) Algeria
(d) France

11. What does Shahin call a sandstorm?
(a) The White Queen
(b) The Singing Sands
(c) The Refugee of Sand
(d) The White Sands

12. Why is Kamel driving Catherine through the mountains of Algeria?
(a) To complete her OPEC work
(b) To begin his project with the computer model
(c) To show Catherine the countryside
(d) To visit Llewellyn's dealer friend

13. What does Minnie tell Lily and Catherine the white side wants to create with the information contained in the Montglane Service?
(a) Weapons of mass destruction
(b) A united country
(c) Petroleum to control OPEC
(d) Computers and mathematical formulas

14. Why does Mireille state in her diary that she refuses to leave Paris?
(a) She wants to see her son born into the game
(b) The Abbess ordered her to stay
(c) She is afraid for her life
(d) The Bishop is lookign for her

15. How long is the time required for the lunar and solar calendars to cycle back and return to their starting points?
(a) 8 days
(b) 8 years
(c) 80 days
(d) 8 months

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Catherine and Lily head once they leave the city of Oran?

2. What becomes Mireille's personal mark?

3. What is Solarin's relationship with Minnie?

4. What does Catherine tell Lily science has discovered that everything (matter, light and sound) is held together by?

5. Who promises the Bishop safety and prosperity if he returns to France?

(see the answer keys)

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