The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Paul Caldwell blackmails Marlowe into giving him lessons on what?
(a) Theology.
(b) Biology.
(c) Egyptology.
(d) Archaeology.

2. In reality, why does Ralph steal the chemicals?
(a) To cure his infection.
(b) To take his writings off the wall.
(c) To eliminate the dead cat.
(d) To use on CCF's body and then his own.

3. What is the cryptic abbreviation that Ralph sends on a telegram to Margaret?

4. Carter has left his site to go where?
(a) Valley of the Kings.
(b) Cairo.
(c) Sudan.
(d) England.

5. Ahmed is arrest for theft of what?
(a) The antiquities from Carter's site.
(b) The antiquities from Ralph's site.
(c) The gold from Ralph's site.
(d) The gold from Carter's site.

6. On Sunday, December 17th, what shows up in the seventh room?
(a) An orange cat.
(b) A mummified cat.
(c) A dead cat.
(d) A calico cat.

7. Who does Ralph meet while at Carter's site?
(a) Lord Carnelion.
(b) Lord Canterbury.
(c) Lord Carter.
(d) Lord Carnarvon.

8. Each column depicts what span of time in Atum-hadu's reign?
(a) Six months.
(b) One year.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Ten months.

9. Carter comes to Ralph's villa at night and mentions that what character may have romantic feelings for Ralph?
(a) Lady Laura.
(b) Lady Evelyn.
(c) Lady Mary.
(d) Lady Vivianne.

10. In a letter discovered after her death, Margaret tells Ralph about how Ferrell turned her and CCF against him? What kind of letter was it?
(a) Love letter.
(b) Forgotten letter.
(c) Unsent letter.
(d) Lost letter.

11. Who has Ralph been sending anonymous telegrams to, exposing CCF's interest in pornography?
(a) CCF's boss.
(b) CCF's cardinal.
(c) CCF's wife.
(d) CCF's accountant.

12. When Ferrell finally meets Ralph, to what does Ferrell attribute the odor surrounding Ralph?
(a) Ralph's infected torso.
(b) Ralph's infected eye.
(c) Ralph's infected leg.
(d) Ralph's infected arm.

13. Why did Marlowe invite Paul to go with him on their four day pass?
(a) To maim him.
(b) To hurt him.
(c) To seduce him.
(d) To kill him.

14. What happens when Ralph tries to open the ninth chamber?
(a) He goes to sleep.
(b) He goes mad.
(c) He collapses.
(d) He cries.

15. Why does Carter come by to deliver Ralph a letter?
(a) The letter was given to Carter to deliver.
(b) The letter was sent to Carter but meant for Ralph.
(c) The letter was mixed in with Carter's mail.
(d) There is no one else to deliver mail to Ralph.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who, according to Ralph's writings, orders him to fetch chemicals?

2. When he tells his story of Marlowe and Caldwell's deaths, Ferrell detects what type of behavior from Ralph?

3. What does the constable discover while he is at Ralph's site?

4. In which chamber does Ralph place his cane?

5. Who, according to Ralph's translations, prepares Atum-hadu for the underworld afterlife?

(see the answer keys)

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