The Easter Parade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Easter Parade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Emily and Sarah do the night of going to the hospital in Part 2: Chapter 3?
(a) They reminisce about their childhood.
(b) They ignore each other.
(c) They fight.
(d) They visit their father.

2. Where is Emily working in 1965?
(a) At a magazine.
(b) At a hospital.
(c) At an ad agency.
(d) At a school.

3. How does Peter respond to Emily's threats in Part 3: Chapter 3?
(a) He encourages her threats.
(b) He tells her goodbye.
(c) He coaxes her inside.
(d) He ignores her.

4. Why is Emily not interested in the party she is invited to in Part 3: Chapter 3?
(a) She doesn't have anything to wear.
(b) She won't be in town.
(c) She won't know anyone there.
(d) Because there are no single men there.

5. Why does Emily back away from Howard Dunninger?
(a) She discovers that he is working for another company.
(b) She discovers that he is gay.
(c) She discovers that he is poor.
(d) She discovers that he is married.

6. What happens with Emily's article in Part 3: Chapter 3?
(a) The article is not accepted for print.
(b) She completes the article.
(c) It is picked up by a national magazine.
(d) She does not finish it.

7. What does Emily discover about her sister in Part 2: Chapter 4?
(a) That Sarah has become a drunk.
(b) That Sarah is pregnant.
(c) That Sarah has published a book.
(d) That Sarah is sick.

8. Where does Peter pick Emily up in Part 3: Chapter 3?
(a) At work.
(b) At her home.
(c) At an airport.
(d) At a bus station.

9. How does Sarah keep in touch with Emily in Part 3: Chapter 1?
(a) Letters.
(b) E-mails.
(c) Phone calls.
(d) Through other family members.

10. Who calls Emily on the phone in Part 2: Chapter 3?
(a) Tony.
(b) Jack.
(c) Pookie.
(d) Sarah.

11. What does Emily try to remember at the beginning of Part 2: Chapter 3?
(a) Where she was the night before.
(b) Where she lives.
(c) The name of Sarah's first husband.
(d) What the name of her childhood best friend is.

12. What does Sarah attempt to do at the end of Part 2: Chapter 4?
(a) Leave Tony.
(b) Forgive Tony.
(c) Get help.
(d) Stay with Tony.

13. Why does Sarah call Emily in Part 3: Chapter 1?
(a) To ask if she can move in with her.
(b) To invite Emily for a visit.
(c) To ask advice about her children.
(d) To ask for a loan.

14. What does Emily find when she goes to Sarah's hotel the same night as they had lunch?
(a) That Sarah is not there.
(b) That Tony has beaten Sarah severely.
(c) That Sarah does not have money to pay for her hotel.
(d) That Sarah is ill.

15. Where does Howard Dunninger go on frequent business trips?
(a) Montana.
(b) Virginia.
(c) California.
(d) Iowa.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Howard Dunninger tell Emily about his situation?

2. What does Michael Hogan do for a living?

3. Why does Sarah travel to New York in Part 2: Chapter 4?

4. How can Tony's mood be described in Part 3: Chapter 2?

5. Who does Emily think Sarah resembles in Part 3: Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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