The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Final Test - Hard

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Final Test - Hard

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ms. Hanff had to call ___________ which cost more but would go anywhere.

2. What happened when she tried to have lunch in the shop?

3. This explanation also helped Ms. Hanff understand Englishmens' fascination with whom?

4. Ms. Hanff received a check from Reader's Digest that made it possible for her to extend her stay for how much longer?

5. Ms. Hanff went to St. Paul's Cathedral where she thought of who the entire time?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the hotel, what did a tourist say to Ms. Hanff? Why might they have done this?

2. What did Ms. Hanff do on Friday, July 9?

3. What did Ms. Hanff and Mr. Buckley do on Monday, July 19?

4. Was Ms. Hanff able to see Joyce Grenfell present a dialogue? Why or why not?

5. What did Ms. Hanff do on the way to dinner with Jean and Ted Ely?

6. What note did Ms. Hanff find? Who was it from?

7. What did Ms. Hanff do with Sheila on Friday, July 23?

8. How was Ms. Hanff's trip extended? What did she do after she decided to extend her stay?

9. What happened on Saturday, July 3?

10. Describe Ms. Hanff's last couple days in London and trip home.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Ms. Hanff's character is revealed throughout the story.

Part 1) Describe her character at the beginning of the story. How is her character revealed throughout this story?

Part 2) How does he character compare to others in this story? How does this affect her relationship with them?

Part 3) How many of her character traits are purely her own and how many might be considered American character traits? Explain.

Essay Topic 2

A theme found in this story is of dreams fulfilled.

Part 1) How is this a theme? What is Ms. Hanff's dream? How is it fulfilled?

Part 2) Is her experience in London what she had expected? Why or why not? Do you believe she would have done anything differently? Why or why not?

Part 3) What dreams do you have? How might your dreams be fulfilled? How might this change your life?

Essay Topic 3

Ms. Hanff has made many new friends on this trip.

Part 1) Describe these friendships. How did they begin as mere acquaintances? What made them into friendships?

Part 2) How important are these friendships throughout the story? How does her character develop alongside her friendships in this story?

Part 3) Will these friendships continue to influence her throughout her life? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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