The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ms. Hanff's fans appear to be becoming what?
(a) Greedy.
(b) Bothersome.
(c) Her friends.
(d) Boring.

2. From there, Ms. Hanff and Mr. Buckley went to _________ where Mr. Buckley had once been a student and saw an historic wall where many of the past students had their names carved upon graduation, including Shelley.
(a) Canterbury.
(b) Luton.
(c) Eton.
(d) Windsor.

3. First they visited the home of two elderly sisters whose house, Ms. Hanff learned, had once been haunted by a ghost who would grow upset when?
(a) They planned to take a trip.
(b) They stayed up late.
(c) They came home.
(d) They had guests over.

4. Ms. Hanff was horrified when her friends insisted on having lunch at Claridge's without doing what?
(a) Returning to the hotel to change.
(b) Making reservations.
(c) Inviting her.
(d) Inviting their other friends.

5. Instead, what did Ms. Hanff and her friends do?
(a) They had a pleasant dinner.
(b) They stayed in.
(c) They went on a tour of London.
(d) They saw A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Short Answer Questions

1. Describe the person in #13.

2. How did this fan help Ms. Hanff?

3. Ms. Hanff discovers how different London is from what city?

4. When she returned to the hotel, Ms. Hanff found a note from Mr. Buckley inviting her to go for a ride where?

5. She was hoping to stay in London for how long?

Short Essay Questions

1. What took place the evening of Wednesday, June 30?

2. Why is Ms. Hanff's book called "84, Charring Cross Road?"

3. What happened on Friday, June 24?

4. What did Ms. Hanff do early on Wednesday, June 30?

5. What happened when Ms. Hanff went to the services at the Royal Chapel?

6. Who meets Ms. Hanff at the airport?

7. What problems did Ms. Hanff have with her silk dress?

8. What does Ms. Hanff do for most of the day on Tuesday, June 29? Why?

9. What did the Colonel and Ms. Hanff do on the way to Stratford-on-Avon?

10. What did Ms. Hanff do before going to bed on her first night in England?

(see the answer keys)

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