The Devil All the Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Donald Ray Pollock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil All the Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Donald Ray Pollock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sandy's film agreement in California involve?
(a) Playing the roles of extras.
(b) A comercial.
(c) Pornography.
(d) She does not have any film agreement.

2. Why does Sandy want to do laundry?
(a) She wants to pass word to her brother at a pay phone.
(b) She wants to try to get away from Carl.
(c) She says Carl stinks.
(d) She wants a feeling of normalcy.

3. What does Arvin first note about Carl and Sandy?
(a) Their accents.
(b) Their lack of hygiene.
(c) Their indifference.
(d) Their inability to carry on a conversation.

4. What does Bodecker have for the first time in a year?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A snort of cocaine.
(c) A handful of painkillers.
(d) A drink.

5. Where have Theodore and Roy moved?
(a) Inland.
(b) Alaska.
(c) Georgia.
(d) Baja.

Short Answer Questions

1. What work is Roy doing?

2. With whom does Arvin develop a close friendship?

3. Who visits Sandy at her work?

4. What does Arvin find on Carl's body?

5. Why does Arvin think he does not have to pray?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Carl get Sandy and what is her reaction?

2. How does Carl prepare for his and Sandy's next hunt?

3. Why does Sandy ask Carl to teach her to use the gun he bought her?

4. Where does Carl start hanging out and what is his reaction one night to a conversation between two Republicans?

5. Why does Roy leave where he is and what does he want to do?

6. What does Arvin notice about the new pastor?

7. What does Carl think about when he goes to eat at the White Cow Diner?

8. What does Bodecker get a call about and what does Bodecker start to wonder about Arvin?

9. Why does Arvin beat up three local boys?

10. What happens to Lenora at school and how does Arvin intervene?

(see the answer keys)

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